Camping and the Great Outdoors!

What is it about campervans, tents, camping and fishing gear or boats that drives our members into a competition frenzy? How is it that a competition featuring any ‘great outdoors’ prizes will out-click a big cash prize, a brand new car or a luxury overseas holiday by up to ten times?
Perhaps it’s a reminder of our own childhood holidays … not glamorous by any means and a far cry from today’s idea of the perfect holiday …. but, no matter how long ago, the memories linger on.
Camping was the only way we spent our childhood holidays. We progressed from the spartan army tent (no floor or zip up, mozzie-proof windows here) to a second-hand pop-up campervan to a ‘luxury’ new style tent with built-in floors, divided bedrooms and windows with fly screens. Of course, putting the tent up was the start of the adventure and was only ever mastered after about the fifth holiday.
Camping holidays are an odd mix of ‘escaping the rat-race’ while at the same time providing their own unique ‘challenges'. I recall our dog, Skipper, chewing through the tent ropes causing the tent to collapse on top of us in the middle of the night. Having to round up a 7 foot long black snake and relocate it away from the camp site.
Mum having to swim half way across Wyangala Dam to retrieve the tinny which Dad hadn’t properly landed. Even funnier was the fact that Mum couldn’t drive the boat so she actually had to swim back ‘towing’ the boat behind her. Naturally, she was expecting a big pat on the back for saving the family from being stranded on the backwater. Instead, she was met with howls of laughter. Mum wasn’t planning on going for a swim and emerged from the water completely oblivious to the fact that her nylon underwear was now completely see-through!
Nope … you can’t get memories like these from a luxury cruise or a five star beach resort holiday!
So, what do you think about Outdoor products as prizes? We'd love to know your thoughts!
The benefits of a Simple Life
To travel around our gorgeous country and see first hand how quickly and dramatically our landscape changes is just brilliant! To sit under the stars with only the night time sounds, good company, great food and a beverage reminds us that it really is the simple things in life that make us feel the best!
Beverley (Member Number: 476325)Seeing this beautiful country
The chance of winning an outdoor prize is something that dreams are made of (well mine anyway). I have a friend who is currently travelling around Australia living the dream. I love seeing all the places she has visited through her posts on social media. One day I too hope to live the dream and see this beautiful country.
Annmaree (Member Number: 292077)What is there not to love?
Australia, the outdoors, the people, the landscapes, the peoples again, the landscapes still, and oh yes, it is AUSTRALIA.
What is there not to love?
Did I mention the outdoors?)
Greg (Member Number: 218966)Families
We became closer as a family. So much fun. Those families who play together, stay together
Vivianne (Member Number: 267954)Family
Camping or getting out and about is the best way to spend time as a family !
Lisa (Member Number: 237331)Camp
Outdoor prizes make my boring life less camp!!
Willy (Member Number: 15946)Sleddog Racing Weekends
My family and I participate in the awesome sport of Dryland Dog Sledding so outdoor prizes always come in handy when we have races and training weekends
Madison (Member Number: 133624)Fun with friends and Family
Outdoor prizes allow you to experience those unforgettable memories of spending quality time with friends and family.
Dave (Member Number: 234593)Taking the kids back to nature
Outdoor prizes are the best because there is nothing better than taking the kids out into our beautiful country and getting dirt under their fingernails. What a great way to encourage doing this more often than with an outdoor prize.
Kate (Member Number: 241727)Best Things in Life are Free, fun, and Just Being Under the Australian sun!
Oooh, what Marianne loves most about outdoor prizes, is just anything that gets me away from restrictive computers; and office politics and assizes!
Marianne (Member Number: 190057)Freedom
Camping is the best way to bring family's together. Bonding and out of the lounge room to see the real world to explorie
Kerry (Member Number: 150899)It's the Aussie Way!!!!
Australia has the most beautiful countryside to see and for those less fortunate winning items that help that happen is the BEST!!
Jess (Member Number: 260144)Just Chillin
Stress free enjoyment.
Trish (Member Number: 229733)Need an upgrade
After rolling our camper we havent been out much but love pulling up in the middle of no where, no one and no hassles!
Carlie (Member Number: 244462)Fun in the Sun
Outdoor prize I'd be excited about tend to get my family out in the sun, out at the beach, hiking in the bush, fishing for the 'big one' and cooking something on a campfire. We have THE best country in the world to do all these activities in, so we are winners right from the start.
Lisa (Member Number: 192969)Switch off
I love the ability to switch off from the real world, no television, heaters or ovens, just entertaining each other, and reconnecting as a family
Ashley (Member Number: 54194)Relax
Camping is the best way to see our great country
Fresh air and open spaces .there isn't anything to compare.
Meeting new people and old . (Member Number: 259684)Camping
Our children still talk about the wonderful times we had camping . It was a holiday that our family could afford and the memories are shared often
Trudy (Member Number: 260097)Highland lake camping
Not a man made sound at night only the opera of frogs and crickets that don't need a microphone or loudspeaker to be heard
Frederick (Member Number: 140800)back to nature
loving bush locations in winter - especially when fires, walking and basic accommodation allows the family to dry off and stay warm at night
Peta (Member Number: 248647)Family fun
We love spending time together out camping, great quality time spent together as a family
Brett (Member Number: 224265)Escaping from the hussel bussel
To pack 4wd up off we go as family to a magical place we all enjoy may be beach or bush just to be out under the stars with loved ones is the best felling
Theresa (Member Number: 83652)Toddler's New Adventure
I love getting the family and especially my little man to explore the outdoors
Lauren (Member Number: 251885)Feel the Love, maybe
I love outdoor prizes! As long as I can give them to someone else...and wave to them from the
Kerry (Member Number: 34770)Creating Family Memories
As considered parents we are trying to do the best for our children and mould them into well rounded individuals that can use their imagination, play and make conversation. Spending time in the great outdoors and having the toys and equipment to facilitate active time together either just with our family or extended with friends, gives our family and our kids the chance to be the best they can be while creating lifelong memories.
Susie (Member Number: 243042)A complete change of scene
there's no better way to escape life's stresses than to hit the great outdoors, the river the sea the beach leaves me without a care!
Tony (Member Number: 6362)Practical and family presents
Outdoor prizes make great family Christmas presents from Santa. I always try to include something we can all do together under the tree each year.
Maggie (Member Number: 135031)Get Planning
You can plan a bushwalk that you've only been thinking about. Have the gear, there's no excuses but to pack it and go.
Sally (Member Number: 259991)summer fun in the pool
We love hanging by our pool as a family during the summer months with friends and family you cant beat a good Aussie summers day.
Brent brydon (Member Number: 240416)freedom
Its amazing just to spend time with the family, out in nature, no technology no nothing just pure bliss. a good time to just sit and talk and make some good memories
Rachael (Member Number: 221090)The Great Outdoors
The name really says it all, The Great Outdoors, time see what the world really can show us, beening away from seeing the new places with the family and most of relaxing, not worrying about thing, love The Great Outdoors.
Hiam (Member Number: 238348)growing up with just a mum.
Being a single parent, divorsed with two small kids wasnt fashionable in the 70's. My mum was brave and took us camping to get us out of the flat (she was a live in housekeeperfor company tbat allowed us too). We had amazing times and my memories ofthose weekends are so special. We take our kids the good olx fashioned way so they dont think lifes about five star even though we are ae to do that too.I think the best memories are made by that campfire!
Joanne (Member Number: 255567)Family Time
Getting outdoors and going camping is the greatest with family and friends.
Phillip (Member Number: 259959)Memories in a moment
Outdoor prizes remind me of my childhood with my extended family. Swimming during the day or rafting down the river rapids on the lilos that we were going to sleep on. Walking up through the blackberry bushes to catch fresh water cray and skim stones across the water. Nights too were exciting as the temperature dropped and mum cooked one pot food over the tiny electric griller while dad held the torch for her. We then lined up with the other kids at the caravan park showers and stood in our own little sanctuaries for as long as the hot water lasted before being allowed to sit around the campfire with the adults and a hot, yet slighty too watery milo. Going to bed smelling like smoke we were absolutely knackered from a big day outside playing with friends. So much so that we rarely heard the possums screaming murderously in the trees above our tent or even felt the cold of the earth when our lilos went down after being caught on a blackberry thorn that afternoon. I want my kids to experience this too and think that outdoor prizes are the only way that some families- like us, can afford to show their kids and create memories with others. Memories like those above that still bring a smile to my face almost 30 years later:-).
Brooke (Member Number: 225901)The promise of simplicity
Outdoor prizes always tantalize with the promise of a some simple laid back relaxation time. Reality can sometimes differ!
Linda (Member Number: 169876)an awfully big adventure
I grew up camping every year the milk and Ice man delivering every day and the bull ant bites on your toes the hessian cots, oh we have come a long long way with camping today fun then and even more fun now
Kerryanne (Member Number: 10190)OUTDOOR LIVING
There is nothing more relaxing, than sitting out side your tent, anywhere but home. If I'm home I work and forget to stop. So I get out of town when I can, so I do stop and enjoy the fresh air and nature. or even with a fishing rod is nice
Carol (Member Number: 256616)The dancing flames of a camp fire
There is nothing more relaxing than gazing into a camp fire . Watching the flames dance around and the beautiful colours of the flames . When you stoke the fire , all the sparks flying into the black night sky . And in the morning when you wake up the smell of smoke on your clothes . And some how food always tastes better cooked on a camp fire . ..... Oh no , just talking about camping makes me want to go camping
Trevor spencer (Member Number: 229132)camping out doors
The truth is being outside nothing better .looking uoat night enjoying some free space And the chance ttospend real time togethet , finding ways to enjoy being together rain or shine
Deb (Member Number: 259341)livin the life
sun fun and camping out and about and taken in the fresh air.
Mayling (Member Number: 211294)Relax
Most families plan lots of activities when they go camping. I just like to kick back and relax enjoy the serenity.
Josie (Member Number: 259181)It's all about the feeling
In our modern world we've lost touch with what it feels like to be out in nature away from cities and technology and to feel "real"! Nothing beats the feeling of getting up before dawn then watching the sun rise as you start off on an adventure into the wilderness!
Len (Member Number: 158418)Getting away
Fun and adventure for the whole family, young and old. :)
Mel (Member Number: 259695)Sharing the love and memories
An outdoor family adventure is affordable and doable. There's always a childhood haunt, fishing hole, magic garden or beach to share with your own family, making your family holiday that more special and memorable.
Tania (Member Number: 15977)Let down your guard
Well it would have to be the serenity and fewer rules than a formal life. Outdoor prizes promise hope of a good time.
Helen (Member Number: 255120)A different set of rules
Camping comes with a different set of rules to everyday life at home. No makeup or hairdryers for a start. Showers become a little bit optional and often days apart. Vegetables are also irregular. but bacon, eggs, and barbecued meat are absolutely essential. Early to bed and early to rise becomes the norm and no stress allowed!
Wendy (Member Number: 230053)a time remebered
I would love to pass on the kinds of adventures I remember as a boy, camping, every year in a similar spot. Wakening with the sun, walking with the sent of pine in the air. running with the chipmunks, riding out bikes over bush trails, swimming in clear lakes, counting the stars in the heavens at night, sleeping with the moon so bright.
Pieter (Member Number: 144876)The Great Outdoors
Getting the family out and about
Not sitting around in the house
Getting outside and having some fun
Being active and enjoying the sun
Put the electronic toys away
We're going on a camping holiday
Meeting new people and making some friends
You never know what's around the bend.
Melissa (Member Number: 2373)Getting away with the Family
just getting away from town with the family makes it great. Seeing the look on my boys faces when they find new insects or bugs, or even a new place to explore. Its always fun trying to set up the camp with excited children trying to help.
Paul (Member Number: 250493)Outdoor Living
Once I can prise the children away from the house they love it! I let them ask any questions, from....does god have a wife to.... is that poisonous.We just walk and appreciate whatever is around us.Nothing beats the outdoors for learning some life skills.
Annabel (Member Number: 38906)Getting off the treadmill
I always liken the 9-5 city life as being a bit like a treadmill... it can move along fast and you have to keep moving to not fall off. It can be exhausting!
To get off the treadmill and take a break, nothing beats getting back to nature in the beautiful outdoors, and enjoying an outdoor prize. The fresh air and sunshine, coupled with the elation in winning a great prize to use with your loved ones, is the perfect escape from the usual daily grind!
Kim (Member Number: 97321)Getting in touch with nature
A time to de-stress, unwind and get in touch with nature.
Melisa (Member Number: 36776)Luxury toilets
Camping every year as a kid over summer brings fond memories of sunburn, mince meat on toast with sauce, instant saunas in the tent on 40 degree days, the loud cry of the paper boy at 6am, the smell of plastic when drinking a can from the esky that was left in the sun and the use of the luxury yellow plastic bucket when going to the bathroom in the middle of the night!
Jasmine (Member Number: 259666)How many stars do you count at night
All of your friends despise camping ... but we always say to them - you will always be limited to counting a maximum of 5 stars. When we're camping - our family can count a whole galaxy of stars !!
Matthew (Member Number: 203402)Fond memories
Spending time outdoors is fun
As it brings people together
We should get out a little more
Regardless of the weather
The best memories are the simplest
Like sleeping somewhere new
Even breakfast is more exciting
And somehow tastier too???
Friendships made are so special
Although for a short while
The memories created last forever
And come included with a smile
Adventures such as camping
In the bush or by the sea
Provide experiences that can't be found
On play station, xbox or Wii.
I'm kinda getting nostalgic
Thinking back on the past
Better save for the next trip
Cause the kids grow up fast
Rita (Member Number: 247286)Taking the Plunge
Often it's hard to know where the best camping spots are, or who the safest company is to take adventures with, but if you get the opportunity with a prize, all the hard work has been done for you and you can really enjoy your outdoor adventure!
Morgan savy (Member Number: 259541)Fresh Air
Would you believe I'm allergic to indoors, including much of our own home? Can't do hotels or other holidays. Have to do only fresh air getaways ...camping or boating.
Jo-ann (Member Number: 416)Healthy Time
I like the fresh air and playing outdoor games with my children and taking the dog for a walk. I always feel better when I have been outside.
Jennifer (Member Number: 97401)Where I want to be
Outdoors and camping is about choosing where you want to be, not following the road, to really get away.
Virginia (Member Number: 74108)New inspiration
I love to win camping/fishing gear, that wouldn't get a chance to buy, to make family days out even more inspiring and better.
Wendy (Member Number: 22194)Moving times
camping in the bush after a trek to secluded site, tent finally setup, marshmallows and BBQ enjoyed, ready for scary tales before bed, half way thru tale people squirming when a nest of spiders fell from tree onto camping table. everybody was gone
Kevin (Member Number: 130170)All for one!
It's all about the win!
Mark (Member Number: 199206)A present for the present
Yes it's a gift; you say goodbye to the past and don't worry about the future. It brings you in touch with the here and now.
Lesley (Member Number: 7850)Fond memories
Use to camp lots as a kid with my family. Now I have a son and am looking forward to our first camping trip one day.
Debbie (Member Number: 252468)Quality Time
With all the distractions and technology these days there's nothing like getting away from it all, out into nature and spending some real quality time together!
Amy (Member Number: 59002)Australia is the Lucky Country
Outdoor prizes mean one thing - fun! And Australia really is the lucky country because we go bush and still find clean water and feel safe.
Vicki (Member Number: 238913)Off the Beaten Track
To buy camping gear can be expensive and there is always " what if we don't like it " thought mulling around. To win it means you are already in a good mood when you head for the bush to try something new.
Lorraine (Member Number: 117277)Cheap, portable and convenient
Having your own quality camping equipment invites more spontaneous nights away with the family.
Cara (Member Number: 96239)Remembering adventure
Outdoor prizes encourage you to jump off the couch, step away from technology and get your mind and body rediscovering our innate desire for adventure !
Rachel (Member Number: 225376)Explore Australia
Great to give the grandkids a taste for the great outdoors of Australia
Patricia (Member Number: 226677)Why Not go camping?
Health benefits are a big part of what motivates so many people to spend time outside; however, for many people, outdoor sports become the allure that can lead to years of quality time spent with family and friends.
Jenni (Member Number: 71568)Big $$$
Lots of us who enter comps have not much money for the exy holidays, camping is a cheaper option so winning the good gear is as good as winning a big trip away!
Elizabeth (Member Number: 111619)A New Experience.
I've never gone camping before and it's one of the things I have on my "to do" list. I want to experience the beauty of the outdoors more.
Brooke (Member Number: 215006)A Family Together
Outdoor prizes help me promote the wonders of nature and fresh air to the family making educational, inspirational and memorable times for all
Mick (Member Number: 55377)Passing it on
We've not won any of the camping prizes but I keep entering anyways - one day maybe! I enter them because I'd really like to give my kids the same sort of holidays I had when I was a kid. I loved camping where everything tasted better, and you got to climb trees and poke things with sticks, ride your bike on dirt roads. They are some of my best memories as a kid and I hope to give my own kids some of them too.
Tara (Member Number: 241132)Unique Experience
What a way to discover our beautiful country, at an affordable price, taking the time to enjoy all the little, simple things
Tiffany (Member Number: 244045)Exploring Pristine Places
A four man tent,
My trusty swag,
And Aeroguard in my canvas bag,
Outdoor prizes allow me to explore,
Many pristine places I've not seen before.
Kim (Member Number: 223933)Outdoors
Winning outdoor prizes gets us wanting to do things outside, we do it as a family, it's healthy and it's so exciting!
Eva (Member Number: 589)Childhood
It reminds me of my own childhood which was spent camping every year and boating nearly every weekend. After my stepdad passed away it all stopped and I want to be able to show my children how fun it is
Lynnette (Member Number: 194079)Peace and Quiet
Getting away from the rat race and seeing kids discover the natural world and how to entertain themselves by building cubby houses or having safari adventures!
Kym (Member Number: 208186)The simple life
The best childhood memories were made from being out in nature and camping with family. Exploring the bush, 4x4 driving and fishing along the beach with the music from the ute or 4x4. The children eagerly watching and learning as pop or mum and dad were laughing and reeling in fish for tea. Outdoor prizes are a way that families can step back in time, drag the kids away from the horrid technology that has overcome them and there sense of adventure. Playing cards under a gas lantern and communicating as people is a vital part of our lives that outdoor holidays help reunite us :):)
Tanya (Member Number: 241080)nIGHT Terrors
all the weird and wonderful sounds the outdoors has to offer, hopefully most of you are heavy sleepers because you can hear some strange noises out there!
Julian (Member Number: 219804)Free
Get away from daily routine and just enjoy what nature has to give
Efendy (Member Number: 198778)Life
The great outdoors is full of life! The garden, the birds, the sun all breathe life into you. The prizes help achieve that feeling.
Mona (Member Number: 179163)Feeling Young Again
Camping by the river with a group of my friends being in our late 30s and my son and his teenage friends, we really had no age barrier, we all set up tent keeping the teens boy an girls seperate, we all sat around the campfire talking and eating and then came the game hide and seek in the dark with a lantern used to find people, Im 41 now but Im still the champ no1 could ever find me, I was either up a tree or in a fox hole but damn It was fun.
Sarah (Member Number: 223901)Out and about
It's great and you get away for a bit and enjoy the tranquility of nature and you can either rely on technology to get you by or you can just use the
Basics. Basics is better anyway in my opinion haha
Emily (Member Number: 257712)Sometimes free is best
Honest? Going to the beach all day is my version of bliss - pack a picnic, bring the sand toys and a big umbrella and that is perfection! But that is not our norm. We make the most of each beautiful day. We even have picnics in our own backyard - wherever we are, it's going to be fun.
Paul (Member Number: 202777)No utilities!
Camping isn't camping if u have a toilet and shower! Go bush!!!
Kia (Member Number: 222704)Fun Outdoors
Getting away with no technology and getting back to the simple life, simply awesome!
(Member Number: 61540)Out and About
Camping is the best and cheapest way to holiday.
Laurie (Member Number: 218763)Wholesome Family Time!
love camping - the getting back to nature, the water sports, family singsongs around the campfire - no technology just good old fashioned talking and reading. Yes, even I appreciate the awesome benefits of camping - when can a mother actually sit and read a complete chapter at least without interruption and guilt! "I'm bored"! does not exist for a few blissful day, yet life is much simpler. Oh dear, now Im wishing myself a tent amongst the gumtrees!!
Carron (Member Number: 207931)Camping Family
I love that it saves me money, as we generally buy nearly every new camping item that comes on the market and that we will use it. Winning is great, but winning something you need and would use is even better!
Jodie (Member Number: 220712)Glamping Camping
Outdoor prizes offer new & exciting
items, offering stylish ways for Glamping up the outdoors.
Lorraine (Member Number: 254284)Getting the kids outside
Its a good reason to get the kids to want to spend time outside away from the ipads and playstations and to enjoy childhood the way I did!
Tina (Member Number: 177689)Peace and togetherness
There's something about getting out in the fresh air with the family all together. You instantly feel like your stresses have been left at home and you can relax being in the outdoors. I find it's a great way to find out how my kids are - without the confines of 4 walls and the technology they really open up their communication skills.
Natalie (Member Number: 212154)Life expands outdoors
Self-reliance, new skills, the unexpected and the peace. I return more relaxed, a bit stronger and less obese.
Simone (Member Number: 2251)Relaxation Plus
As soon as you get into our beautiful outdoors relaxation takes over and the fun begins.
Andrea (Member Number: 12886)Sleeping Outdoors.
What is the best thing about sleeping Outdoors?
Is it the uneven, and rocky Floors?
Or the fact, you don't have to yell,
"Shut the Doors!?"
Maybe you prefer to gaze at the twinkling Star,
The brightest one, shining from Afar,
Is it falling? It's hard to Tell,
Catch it in a Jar!
Whether you are roughing it, or in a family Tent,
Or maybe a winnebago, all savings spent,
This will make the family Jell,
At a very low Rent.
Myles (Member Number: 110418)getting back to basic's
I love being able to get away from the distraction of all those mobile screens everyone is so committed to. To actually give each other attention, to talk, listen and play with the children and do activities together. Pure enjoyment with fabulous results
Malika (Member Number: 40427)fishing on the mighty Zambezi River
My brother and I loved our fishing trips in our father's little aluminium boat on the Zambezi River, just above the Victoria Falls. We could hear the falls and I worried that my father would take the wrong bend in the river.
Hilary (Member Number: 131312)Reconnect with what's important
At the end of the day, you can buy a room at a fancy hotel. You can pay for a ritzy meal. You can even put a big screen TV on your credit card. But what about the twinkle in your children's eyes as they roast marshmallows by firelight? Or the twinkle of the stars as you lay back on a cozy rug and realise just how small we all are, in this unfathomable universe. And as you snuggle up in your sleeping back next to someone you love, the last embers of a dwindling fire giving just enough light to look into their eyes, you realise that outdoor prizes let you reconnect with what's important - the simple things, the natural things, the things we just can't buy.
Camilla (Member Number: 258471)Feel
The feel of the sun on you face,
the wind in you hair,
the misty spray of water,
the kids laughing and having fun,
feeling hungry for a picnic and enjoying life.
Michelle (Member Number: 20663)Just Us
we just love getting away together quite and peaceful with nature and no IT to distract us from what matters. It is about the little things after all
Belinda (Member Number: 221786)Fresh air and adventures
In a word "Fishing" can't beat getting out fished by my 11 yr old son and my wife, but we are out together enjoying the great outdoors together, doing what we enjoy;)
Peter (Member Number: 235117)Creating Memories
With a young family on a budget outdoor prizes offer us the chance to create great outdoor experiences and fun memories.
Nicole (Member Number: 204219)FUTURE OF ADVENTURE AND MEMORIES
Winning outdoor gear means another chance for families to spend quality time outdoors - guaranteed to be attached with a whole future of adventure and great memories:)
Kellie (Member Number: 254592)Cooking on an open Fire!
I love to cook on an open fire in a camp oven, experimenting with different foods and what ever ingredients. Then sit back and have a beer!. This is the life Barry!!.
Sara (Member Number: 166573)Sharing for life
Outdoors prizes can be shared and enjoyed by all the family and more than once ! A generational lifelong prize with a tent , trailer and the like.
Gary (Member Number: 258616)Serenity
Getting out of the house, leaving our worries behind for a weekend and having a great time
Michella (Member Number: 129029)Fun Freebies!
I would love winning outdoor prizes because they're something the whole family gets to enjoy. They are luxury items for us. Cash prizes would just get spent on bills!
Peta (Member Number: 227292)Take Me Back
We use to spend a lot of time out bush as kids. Our parents would take us to the river, camping, fishing, waterskiing, motorbike riding and of course yabbying! These are some of my most cherished memories. The older we got the less we seemed to have time for all these great things. Sometimes families need to be reminded to take a break once in a while.
Naomi (Member Number: 225342)being outdoors is a prize in itself
Tasmanian born and bred
Sitting around indoors,
you wouldn't find me for dead!
Each school holiday
My dad would take us kids away,
Backpacks on back,
For hours we'd track,
Into the middle of no-where
Living for weeks in our tents
Far superior then any hotel to rent.
Outdoor prizes for my family,
I carry on the tradition, I guarantee!
Michelle burgess (Member Number: 245452)Toilet paper
The thing I love about outdoor prizes is how practical the people that run the competitions through Competitions Guide are about judging entries. I once entered a competition for a camping experience where I had to answer in 25 words or less what luxury item I couldn't do without when camping. I used two words "toilet paper" - which the judges couldn't fault, and why I won the camping experience.
James (Member Number: 167659)Dream Time
From a young age I dreamed of packing a VW Beetle and heading off around Australia. I eventually realised a 4WD would be more practical and have since explored some amazing places. I continue to dream of the next camp site, what is around the bend in the river, a camp oven dinner shared with friends. Outdoor prizes feed my dreams and fuel the adventure of exploring our beautiful country.
Jonnine (Member Number: 119117)appreciate nature
Leave your modern conveniences behind, your kids will love you more, for their experiences with you and being carefree.
Margaret (Member Number: 3732)Fresh Air
Outdoor prizes will come handy for parents who want their children to breathe fresh air and enjoy the free outdoor sceneries instead of them looking for something to buy in the mall.
Concepcion (Member Number: 258244)Stress free fun
Being outdoors gives me a chance to reconnect with nature and lets the stress fly away.
Susanne (Member Number: 242302)Finding community again
In our daily grind, more and more we find it difficult to reach out to those around us due to lack of trust and fear.
Camping has always been different to that where we feel safer allowing the kids that bit extra freedom to make new friends and explore, not only that but we as adults feel more comfortable reaching out to those with obviously similar interests.
Many life long friends have been made while cramped on top of each other in the camping grounds during school holidays.
Leon (Member Number: 105260)Get you out
It's a healthy reward where you get to have to spend time outdoor!
Cindy (Member Number: 205051)Loving the Outdoors!!!
We as a family love to enjoy everything there is to enjoy, swimming, cycling, bush walking. It is just brilliant.
Carolyn (Member Number: 42634)New and Different
The joy of new discoveries and learning with your children. They love it when they know something you don't!
Veronica (Member Number: 257032)under the stars
No tv no mobile, no internet, nothing that makes us crazy, just the peace of sitting around a camp fire with those you love the most, with a million shining stars above you, outdoor prizes are the best, instead of having our phones stuck to our ears we can look into their eyes and talk and laugh
Jill (Member Number: 198814)Mortified but memorable!
I was the extremely awkward age of 12 when my dad dragged me to his fishing clubs family Christmas party... None of my siblings wanted to go. It was time for the big event.....draw for the lucky door prize. I sat there silently begging, please don't let it be me, please don't let it be me! Low and behold the only prize I've ever won....a fully stocked fishing tackle dad was so proud. Would love to say we had many a father/daughter bonding session fishing on the mighty Murray, but I offloaded it as soon as my beet red self got back to my seat. My dad loved it though!
Tanya (Member Number: 258217)Camping
The great outdoors is the place to be, fun in the sun an aussie barbie. Clean air, nature at its best, scenic wonders and all the rest.
Lisa (Member Number: 1625)A good excuse
Winning an outdoor prize is a good excuse to pack up the family and enjoy some of that "Life Be In It" which we all hunger for but never get around to doing because we are so caught up with the humdrum of city life.
Rosabelle (Member Number: 249143)Natures Best
Camping is i believe the greatest thing possible. It allows us to leave the everyday hassles of life and enjoy the best things in life;nature,fresh oxygen and spending time with family and friends. We are lucky that we still have places we can go to camp and avoid the concrete jungle.
Gramos (Member Number: 45011)Tinnies
There's something quintessentially Australian about camping and fishing with the 'Tinny'. And our family want one so badly we'll enter every possible competition to win one! We've bought products and made up verses and rhymes. No success yet, but that won't stop us trying! As with most things, half the fun is in the anticipation!
Catherine (Member Number: 42315)Escaping
We all dream of escaping whatever life's challenges are presenting us - regardless of our age or gender. All with the mindset "The grass is greener in the next paddock".
Clare (Member Number: 244545)Camping
I grew up in the country and moved to the city when I got older as there was no work in my area. I love the bush and love to go camping. I love everything outdoors.
Elaine (Member Number: 257915)Getting the kids outdoors
camping is the best way to have family fun without computer games and such,
Leo (Member Number: 168374)Getting in touch with nature
City life is full of stress,
we need to know that we need less,
forget the gadgets and useless stuff,
it's fun to camp and holiday rough !!
Nothing beats hitting the road,
it truly helps, me unload.
Andrew (Member Number: 190142)the great outdoors
great to relax & soak in all australia's natural beauty has to offer...fresh air, beautiful camping
Marianne (Member Number: 257613)Outdoors
Outdoor prizes are usually associated with a holiday
Michelle (Member Number: 223600)Happy Campers
Who doesn't love what Australia has to offer??
Beautiful beaches, great sunny weather and the unique landscape. Being outdoors and having fun is what it's all about all year round!!! Camping is very enjoyable with no technology and a time for all to relax and put your feet up!
Lisa (Member Number: 258105)Getting going
Having the gear gives me a reason to get up and go camping.. at last!
Nell (Member Number: 24613)Campfire Songs
Getting the guitar going around the campfire and attracting other people to sing along and making new friends.
Karen (Member Number: 224030)Glamping
Outdoor prizes are great for reminding me how much I love Hotels and room service.
Julia (Member Number: 181915)BETTER TO GIVE THAN RECEIVE
The thing I love most about outdoor prizes is that other people win them! I do love restorative relaxation in the great outdoors but when it comes to a choice of tent vs soft, insect free bed, it's the luxury of indoors I choose every time.
Julie (Member Number: 211793)Fresh Air
Nothings better than the smell of gum trees and dirt. Sure beats concrete and car fumes!
Amanda (Member Number: 221873)Fun & family friendly
Its great to see the kids out & about exploring, making friends & playing all day. No TV, so lets them be kids like we used to be, even for a couple of days....a little less comfort, but less stress & a great time more than makes up for that.
Mark (Member Number: 217213)good old fashioned fun!
Its those fun memories of fun road trips, to unexplored places and the unknown that draws us to the wonderful outdoors. Camping (or glamping-as my husband calls it) is such an eclectic experience that once you try, will never look back on.
Sally (Member Number: 16368)How's The Serenity...
Gives you a chance to escape the clutches of technology and get back in touch with your true self!
Michael (Member Number: 257964)What will your kids remember?
When your kids are your age and are talking to their kids about the holidays you took them on, which are they going to remember? The almost-identical motel rooms and hotel pools, or star-filled night skies and campfires, beachside camping and open spaces?
I know which kind of holidays I remember from my childhood ...
Tom (Member Number: 225639)Relax & unwind
I love nothing more than camping at the beach. Sitting on the beach in the afternoon having a glass of wine, watching my husband fish.
Karen (Member Number: 99490)The diamond filled night sky.
We forget we are a part of a bigger picture. The great outdoors is at once humbling, nourishing and bloody good for the soul!
Edward (Member Number: 161377)family holidays
we love to go camping , so any little extra's always help,even if it batteries for the touches
Brenda (Member Number: 28756)Aussies love to Camp
It's no secret that Aussie families are blessed with the best landscape in the world. Outdoor prize packages allow us to explore all that we have!
Jules (Member Number: 105057)Cheap Getaway
Being on one income due to illness makes things a little tight, but leaving the city for a couple days and getting out to the country melts stress, even if only for a weekend.
Susan (Member Number: 14290)Freedom
If these great prizes get us outdoors and the kids away from the idiot box,then I jump at the chance to its all about "glamping" and the options are endless,no more three hours putting up tents,now its,," cha ching and the fun begins.
Sandra (Member Number: 99064)Is that a pig?
The great outdoors always appeal even when awakened by a wild pig with beady little eyes rummaging through our campsite.
Sharon (Member Number: 50046)Getting active
Outdoor prizes motivated me to get off the couch and get some fresh air and exercise.
Carla (Member Number: 6866)Part of the family
Aussies love outdoor prizes because these outdoor items end up staying with us and our families for a long time - sometimes generations! They join us on each trip, be it a night time fishing adventure, or a three month camping trip across Australia. They become part of the memories, laughs and fun. They often even sneak into the background of many camping family photos, the sneaky things!
Hannah (Member Number: 177014)Under the night sky ...
Sitting on the eski, spooking ourselves out with ghost stories,
We try to keep scores on who can eat the most S’mores.
Best way to enjoy the outdoor with the family
Isabelle (Member Number: 54793)Outdoor prizes
Fresh air, and starlit skies,
the sound of birds, and butterflies.
Time spent as a family,
lazing under a shady tree.
Witnessing sunsets and sunrise,
all create the greatest outdoor prize.
But, for mum anything outdoors,
escapes the household chores.
So for more comfort and less stress,
room to retreat and undress.
Little outdoor luxuries, for fun or space,
Are extra prizes putting a smile on her face.
Jade (Member Number: 120858)Fresh & Fun
Outdoors is where I want to be...rain...hail...or shine. Fresh air & good fun.
(Member Number: 59601)ok kids off the technology!!!!
having three kids - I want them off the ipods and ipads - so to win something outdoorsy is a winner!!!!
Belinda (Member Number: 6401)The Stories
Do you remember the time when we were out by the creek and Dad thought that he had found a great new private water hole. He came back and proudly announced it to the whole family. Of course, Mum then proudly announced that his back was growing a forest of leeches. Maybe that's why it was so private. Then there's the year we went back and found Dad's hole filled in by a landslide. That was a sad day. The Death of Daddy's Dam. "Those poor leeches!" Mum wailed.
Dad instinctively reached for his back, "No. They had it coming." And any gloominess was replaced immediately by rich laughter.
Very few people go to the outdoors because it's there, or because its different. Sure, those may be parts of it, but the reason we go out into the Great Outdoors is for the fun that only comes with unpredictable nature of nature. It's not about the stuff we have or how much our packed lunch has dissolved since we arrived, it's about the stories. 'How we showed nature who's boss' 'The time Dan got a rock stuck in his foot' 'The time Dad pulled a tree into the lake using a rope swing' And mere objects will never buy us these stories. In fact, it's the lack of objects that makes the most memorable stories.
So then, why bother winning more stuff - stuff that might often be left at home? Because it's the best excuse, and it'll beat any excuse. "Honey, I've just won an eski. We'll have to go camping on the weekend. Don't worry about rain, I've won an extra tarp too. And we need no toilets because last week I won a camping toilet just for you."
Competitions Guide performs a service: liberating people to do whatever they want. Because really, it's not the stuff they need, it's the excuse. And shiny new toys certainly are the best excuses.
Tyras (Member Number: 138710)Winning outdoor prizes
Hmmmm... I can't really answer the question as I have never won one!
Dawn (Member Number: 349)Trying New Things
I enjoy two aspects.
One - The prizes may include items that I would not normally have used on a camping trip, and:
Two - Prizes like these motivate me to evaluate how I'm spending leisure time and often cause me to try new places or activities.
Richard (Member Number: 212593)Exploring
Letting kids explore, while getting fresh air and learning to look after their world.
Denise (Member Number: 107859)Getting In Touch Wuth Nature.
It is an important part of the Australian Culture to enjoy the company of family and friends in our great outdoors. Out door prizes, I believe, is being true to the Aussie way of life.
Frank (Member Number: 257570)Outdoor prizes for FREE
It's a great way to get your camping gear updated every so often. Dad bought a tent when we were kids and he and mum still use it even though it's been patched beyond belief with duct tape. The man is a cheapskate.
Janine (Member Number: 179388)Family fun
Fresh air, exercise and adventure.
Catherine (Member Number: 164727)Pick Me!
Keeps the kids quiet and away from technology!
(Member Number: 20655)No Timetables!!
A long, lazy day stretching into the distance - no timetables to stick to, just relaxing and taking things at our own pace.
Kathy (Member Number: 5136)Best things in life are free!
Competitions Guide brilliantly includes competitions for both indoor and outdoor enjoyment. The outdoor prizes encourage families to get out, enjoy this fabulous country of ours and resoundingly agree that the best things in life are free!
Michelle (Member Number: 174650)motivates me
these prizes motivate me to get out and enjoy my life
Maree (Member Number: 124893)Be creative and live life like the first settlers
Outdoor Prizes let you reconnect with Australian Heritage. Away from the hustle, bustle and technology you can distress in the outdoors, get back to nature and even imagine what the first settlers saw and did. Take the challenges of life without all the gizmos and gadgets. Explore, exercise and creatively solve problems when they arise. Let's face it, sometimes even basic hygiene can be an issue in the great outdoors.
Rosemary (Member Number: 253147)woohoo amazing
getting out and about and forgetting the world and its stresses
Jaz (Member Number: 31364)Australian Essence
Getting outdoors and using camping and outdoor prizes means you get for free time with your family in the great Aussie outdoors, best way for families to grow together and stay together.
Leah (Member Number: 257582)Getting Outdoors
My family loves camping. Every chance we get we head off to the bush and discover the great outdoors. The kids love the animals, streams,fishing and the night stars. And I love the family time.
Laura (Member Number: 257608)Clear mind
Fresh air and it just seems to clear your head no matter what you're doing so I'm always keen for outdoor activities
Claudia (Member Number: 185775)camping
We love to go camping so outdoor prizes are the bomb
Margaret (Member Number: 257544)Chillin with the Bros
Nothing beats camping anywhere is Australia with my two Bros, Adam and Matthew, who are also my sons.
(Member Number: 94127)Fresh Air
There is nothing like stepping outside after a shift inside at work. De-stresses and invigorates!
Katherine (Member Number: 249662)Our escape
Our favourite escape from the everyday world is camping in our wonderful conservation parks. Turn off the phone and radio and unwind. When we cant get away, there's always the garden to escape into and work off some stress.
Elizabeth (Member Number: 189013)A forgotten luxury
On a tight budget buying outdoor gear often falls into the "luxury" category, even when it's camping!
Winning camper trailers, fishing gear or even an outdoor lantern
Would have me screaming like a lunatic, punching the air like a champion!
Kylie (Member Number: 218420)Nature and Relaxation
Reading a book, enjoying the peace, bush smells beautiful scenery. Bush walks, campfires, cosy bed and yummy BBQs. No computer!
Deb deller (Member Number: 225994)More enjoyment all round!
We've just returned from a five-day camping trip, the first we've taken with our 2-year-old. He's spent so much time playing outside and enjoying the new scenery that he wasn't worried at all about missing his usual Peppa Pig episodes on TV - outdoor prizes mean more fun and engagement as a family!
Greg (Member Number: 122192)Discover Australia
I've holidayed overseas and in Australia. For me, nothing compares to the beauty and uniqueness of the Great South Land. Just returned from our first trip to Tassie and already want to return as there is just so much more to still see and do there.
Ron (Member Number: 194101)enjoying the fresh air
Prizes that involve the great outdoors always get my tick of approval because it make exercise fun for my toddler.
Hayley (Member Number: 202118)Camping and quality time
Going back to basics is definitely quality time albeit challenging out in the bush
Tracey (Member Number: 65142)Peace & Serenity
The peace and serenity that you can't find anywhere else..
Christina (Member Number: 63099)Getting Together
Camping is a great time to come together as a real family, there is no disstractions like T.V so communication just flows. Everybody chips in to get things done, collect the wood, get the fire going, cook the snags ext nothing seems to be a hassle like it is at home, the family seems to come together as a unit, as one with nature in the great out doors.
Jenny (Member Number: 141326)Sunny goodness
Best thing about outdoor prizes
It makes a perfect excuse to step outside and venture off, gotta test the new stuff.
My partners gifts are covered, shhhh dont say anything
Melanie (Member Number: 169796)Childhood adventures
It brings back the best memories of my childhood! We had so many adventures and so much fun when we went camping every other weekend!
Kerry (Member Number: 146881)Outdoors is revitalizing
Nothing more revitalizing, being a full time student, is to get outside!! Even better when it is a holiday that you can share with loved ones to get out of the house and away from the study to live life a little.
Shaun (Member Number: 213211)Camping makes family time the best
Camping gets the family together with no technology it makes for the best holiday. So outdoor prizes just you want to get out and about more
Blair (Member Number: 257188)Best Price
Outdoor prizes are better than the rest, cause once you've won an outdoor prize there's no other money cost just happiness.
Patricia (Member Number: 1234)Bush Baby
Best thing about outdoor prizes besides winning them, is getting to play with them.
Michelle (Member Number: 173534)Outside!!
We would not be Australians if we didn't love the outdoors and outdoor prizes always come in handy if you're camping.
Michaela (Member Number: 194561)Breath of fresh air
The best thing i love about outdoor prizes is that you are not just winning a prize but you are also creating an entire new experience. And being outdoors feels like another life where the weight of all your life's stresses just instantly lifts off your shoulders and you can breath easier.
Melanie (Member Number: 2366)Carrying on a Tradition
I remember we went camping and fishing very often when i was a kid, some of the best times I had with my fam was outside. I want our kids to experience that too, in this technology driven age I want them to appreciate outdoors and I think that is why I get most excited about winning outdoor related prizes!
Samantha (Member Number: 87088)Family time
Out in about enjoying the fresh mountain country air. Rest under the gum tree in a warm sleeping bags. Just before sleep the children are counting the stars.
Leanne (Member Number: 2798)Sun, fun & relexation
Getting some fresh air, taking in beautiful Australian scenery & just relaxing
Vicki (Member Number: 114093)Sound of Silence
I love outdoor comps because it gives a chance for the family to reconnected weather its camping, day trips, fishing etc, the silence of nature instead of the sound of cities is what its all about
Tamara (Member Number: 11774)You're going to BCF again?
I'm always getting busted buying outdoor stuff at camping stores. Outdoor prizes will save me at least one trip!
Gerard (Member Number: 15632)Outdoor Family Fun!
Camping trip! What a great way to have a family reunion.
Laura (Member Number: 255101)Sun Equals Happiness
Outdoor prizes ensure you are getting your dose of Vitamin D which is not only good for you but increases your happiness levels. What's not to love!
Melissa (Member Number: 198250)Discoveries
Everyone loves a mystery and Australia's landscape provides multiple opportunities for families to explore and uncover!
Megan (Member Number: 134511)FUN
It encourages us to go outside and be active and have a laugh and play.
Melanie (Member Number: 110912)Aah, the serenity!
Nothing like bushwalking or time at the beach with the family, and enjoying the serenity & beauty of nature!
Nicola (Member Number: 61049)The Outdoor Adventure
The sun on your face,a fishing rod in your hand & the smell of sizzling sausages.It's a winner.
Tammy (Member Number: 167939)Aussie Relaxation
There is nothing better than getting away from hecticcity life to enjoy the sparse beauty of outback Australia with the family
Bek (Member Number: 248704)Family Fun & Touring
Outdoor prizes seem to get used more than pretty expensive ones. Camping, touring and exploring is lost on so many of todays younger generation. Parents need to take their kids out more to enjoy this wonderful country of ours. Education in the classroom is important, but family time outdoors kids will learn more, and enjoy learning with the real world stuff.
Toni (Member Number: 248930)Family Fun
Camping and outdoor activities are great for family harmony. It gives us a chance to spend uninterrupted time together.
Anne (Member Number: 72459)family memories
As a young family starting out on our journey of holidays and making memories, anything to help our outdoor experiences better is great.
Kelly fox (Member Number: 240021)Oh for the freedom
We love to get out in the bush, swinging a detector or dangling a line. Nothing beats the Auzzie bush!
Robin (Member Number: 110576)Family
For us it's all about the family. We are closer when camping and enjoying outdoor activities than we are at home.
Murray (Member Number: 242250)Family time
Nice to be back to just family without all the gadgets
Cheryl (Member Number: 87716)FUN and LAUGHTER
Outdoor prizes are awesome, nothing better than camping with family, playing fun games, laughing, toasting marshmallows and relaxing.
Mary (Member Number: 20479)Natural Nature
Being Natural with Nature and seeing all She has to OFFER.
Carmel (Member Number: 78712)The Great Outdoors
Love the great outdoors, getting back to nature & roughing it camping in a tent is awesome.....
Nicolas (Member Number: 113513)Seeing our country
Travelling Australia isn't just about seeing cities, its about seeing the local wildlife, sights and sounds and the all natural habitat.
Roger (Member Number: 222929)Fun Family Time
My three kids are very outdoorsy kids they love running around getting dirty
we own a campervan &
we love camping & we would definitely use outdoor prizes
Patricia (Member Number: 35909)Listen and Look
We enjoy walking throughout the great outdoors of Oz, looking for and listening to the sounds of our Australian animals. Watching for whales in our great ocean when it's the right time and looking at the many flowers that grow throughout the year. Nature, it's always been there, and hopefully last as long as it's able.
Antonietta (Member Number: 68774)Appreciate Nature
Nothing better than hiking, canoeing,bike riding, skiing...So many activities to recharge your batteries outdoors!
Isabell (Member Number: 20109)Fresh air
It is great to get out of the city and away from smokers and get back to the way nature intended for everyone to relax and breathe fresh are so outdoor prizes will be appreciated by all
Ray (Member Number: 208201)Camping Out
If you're camp, it must be good to come out!
John (Member Number: 186025)See the stars
You miss things on other holidays but camping in the great outdoors lets you slow down and take it all in - I love getting away from it all and watching the stars!
Paul (Member Number: 188609)BRONZED AUSSIES
We have a lot to live up to in Australia. Reputations as bronzed Aussies, camping out even in winter! Even though I don't fit that description I still love outdoor activities and prizes; just have to make sure either they're undercover or I am slipping, slopping and slapping big time. Gotta love it when it's for freeeeeeeeeee.
Sandy (Member Number: 3075)Enjoyment Of Camping and meeting other People
I like the outdoors and enjoying camping with other people. The fresh clean air and interesting sights also especially involve with Scouting some time ago.
Peter (Member Number: 239174)Relaxing away from the hustle & bustle
Outdoor prizes allow us to get away from the hustle & bustle of the modern world (without giving up too many comforts of course)
Carey (Member Number: 125608)Outdoors = Happy :)
The outdoors just makes me happy! Prizes that encourage us and inspire us outdoors means more happiness for us all.
Jessica (Member Number: 20817)Peace and tranquility.
Ah, feel the serenity, no traffic jams, no deadlines, the chance to reconnect with love ones and chill out.
Lorraine (Member Number: 204917)stary nights
Love the clear nights just looking at the stars with my man not a worry in the world tonight
Annette (Member Number: 45423)Memories
I just cannot think of any event in my life that brings back memories of a wonderful time as much as all the camping trips we did, Christmas and Easter we were always camped by a River somewhere, On the Murray, the Darling or Edwards, on the Ovens, or Murrumbidgee, Fishing, Hiking or just plain Adventuring, nothing else brings back such wonderful memories, nights by the campfire, devouring the succulent Fish we had caught that day,or maybe a pot full of Yabbies or sometimes Freshwater Crayfish, crisp early mornings cooking up Bacon & Eggs thinking about the Adventures to come, it's been awhile, i think i better dig that old camping gear out of the shed and head off to a great spot maybe Lake Leslie out near Warwick here in QLD, catch me some Yellow Belly Perch.
Leigh (Member Number: 255603)Beauty
You are actually living and breathing that picture you saw in the magazine. Magic does happen and its called outdoors :)
Marion (Member Number: 2145)Alows us to go
The family doesn't like camping anywhere as much as I do. Anything that makes it a little more comfortable will help get them out there. (Member Number: 223034)one for the kiddies
Its great to win outdoor prizes as u get to show ur kids all the awesome things to do and to see.
Carlie (Member Number: 152524)Too much technology
Kids arny getting enough outdoor fun most prizes are iPads and phone, even though they are wonderful the random outdoor ones remind us we can still have fun outside without the technology
Jessica (Member Number: 6379)Family Time
Outdoor prizes are something that it useful for the whole family and not just one person meaning everyone is excited when the competition is won!
Anita (Member Number: 158344)Freedom
Outdoor prizes give the feeling of freedom. Open spaces, basic living, freedom to roam.
Julie-anne (Member Number: 220694)Getting away
Getting outdoors instantly settles the mind, and gives you such a great opportunity for QUALITY time with loved ones. They're memories that stick with you
Katie (Member Number: 221175)outdoors app
far too many busy parents are shoving Ipads/smart phones in kids faces to get time for themselves. kids have forgotten how to be kids.
Don (Member Number: 91427)Big, shiny boxes!
Outdoor prizes arrive in big boxes! They also tell me that it's time to take another family holiday.
Jacob (Member Number: 252826)OUTSIDE LIVING
It reminds me how precious our time is and how wonderful being outside can be
Toni (Member Number: 129772)Freedom
The freedom to not have to run by the clock. Fish whenever, swim whenever, eat whenever. Kids being kids, playing outdoors and not cough potatoes.
Gail (Member Number: 217191)Bringing families together
Love your outdoor camping competitions, my family and extended family love getting together for a big campout, its the best thing to get the big family together thus why I love entering these comps!
Nichole (Member Number: 212163)Everyday breakaway
Outdoor getaway prizes provide a much needed escape from everyday life, revealing the adventurous spirit in us all.
Kirra (Member Number: 195327)Outdoors
Can bring the family together with family games such as cricket, volleyball or relax with a rod by the river, sit in the sun, watch the birds. It's great to be outside.
Kim (Member Number: 8072)Outdoor Prizes.
Outdoor living with the basic gear, is fun for all the family young and old,we will always keep up the tradition.
Valerie (Member Number: 105162)Sights, scents and sounds of Mother Nature
Camping in the great outdoors is one way of having both my children in the same place, at the same time. Electronica for the kids is banned, so no kids' mobiles, no Nintendo DSi, no SMS'ing, no FaceTime-ing. Bliss. We take lots of books for night-time reading or for when the weather is not so great to be out and about. I can reconnect with my children, and they get to know Dad just that little bit better. Nuclear family bliss.
Christopher (Member Number: 113851)Life Perspective
Being in the outdoors puts the soul and meaning back into life. It can take your breath away in a sunset! Outdoor prizes encourage you to get out and make the most of life!
Christine (Member Number: 10676)camping and the great outdoors
nothing better than long weekends away camping with friends and showing off the prizes you have won on COMPETITIONS GUIDE.COM.AU
Steven shaw (Member Number: 213986)Back to basics
Too much is now made of how much money things cost. A true holiday where the family get together and enjoy themselves with out all the 'conveniences' is getting back to the way family time should be spent.
Yvonne (Member Number: 129248)4 sons
Camping is the cheapest holiday with more laughter and memories for us and our boys than any other. They love the adventure and I love the smiles.
Alison (Member Number: 164968)Really squealy fun!
We can go where no-one can hear our child squeal... because he loves the outdoors so much he squeals in delight, of course!
Christy (Member Number: 6224)Quality time with the family
Brings back memories when my family would spend most of our time together outdoors, entertaining, relaxing, playing, and having fun. Today we seem to be inside more and exercise less. Getting out and about in the fresh air and enjoying nature and interacting is so therapeutic and enjoyable.
Cleo (Member Number: 158139)Outdoor prizes make it even better
We like outdoor prizes as we love to be outdoors and go camping as a family and to win outdoor prizes makes it even better
Jemma (Member Number: 245228)Finding Myself
Getting outdoors helps me find myself... nature, sun, wind, trees, sunsets and campfires, all help to get my inner-me to come out and play!
Stephanie (Member Number: 162866)Great outdoors!
We love the great outdoors, we go camping, fishing, do water sports, bush walking so any prizes to help us enjoy what we love doing is a great help. I love bringing my children up knowing that there is other things to do than play with technology. I have so many fond memories in the outdoors as a child and I would love for my children to have the same.
Emily (Member Number: 220843)The Great Outdoors
Family together back to the basics. Fresh air and fun in the sun. What more could a person want.
Rebecca (Member Number: 147961)family
i love that 90% of all outdoor prizes the whole family can enjoy
Tashana (Member Number: 78668)Feeling Alive
Waking with the birds, biting fish and a pumped up mattress gone down aaaahhh the great outdoors you've got to love the freedom feeling!
Justine (Member Number: 191932)Family Fun Equals Memories of a Lifetime!
Its fun to create new memories of a lifetime outdoors with our little ones. Time goes way too quick and life should be lived to its fullest!
Sarah (Member Number: 108660)The best things in life are FREE
FREE: sunshine
FREE: smells
FREE: bugs and mosquitoes
FREE: conversations, friendships and tips.
Marie gabrielle (Member Number: 189028)family
its a time when everyone can have some fun, can make sure no one else is busy and spend some rare family time together
Bronte (Member Number: 235373)close to heaven
you can not beat the fun relaxation and closeness of family camping no tv so entertain ourselves at night beside camp fire and the stars are stunning to watch and relaxing to fall asleep listening to the night sounds
Sharron (Member Number: 15973)The Simple Life!
What I love about the outdoors is reconnecting with nature and getting back to basics. It's a time to reflect, ponder and appreciate all that's good in life.
Kelly (Member Number: 61560)Blast from The Past
To be able to relive enjoyable events, such as were experienced in our early years
Richard (Member Number: 85924)AWOL
Do you not just love the lifestyle?
I do.....
Mark (Member Number: 249216)Outdoor Fun
I love being able to get out and about in great weather when camping. You can reconnect with the family, get away from gadgets and be at peace with the world. Forget your troubles away
Belinda (Member Number: 14710)Big Kid
It's time well spent with my family. Good excuse to throw your cares away and just be a big kid...makes me feel young again.
Penne (Member Number: 2450)The push we need
We love the outdoors but being so busy we forget to get out there. Outdoor prizes are the perfect reminder to get out and into nature!
Lisa (Member Number: 167783)Forces me to have fun!
It's so easy to make excuses to stay home, get work done, blah blah so boring. An outdoor comp would pracitcally force me out the door, I'm not going to turn down a prize am I!
Carmen (Member Number: 205030)Use outdoor space
Get the kids and family outside , BBQ Times , friends over fresh air
David (Member Number: 6526)Aussie Aussie Aussie
This is Australia... best seen from the outside!! No other country has the natural beauty we do.
Prue (Member Number: 128766)Home is where your tent is
From the backyard to the beach, your backyard or the lake, as long as you have your tent you can go anywhere.
Olivia (Member Number: 195602)Digital Detox Remedy
Outdoor prizes help get the kids outside so they can digitally detox from technology!
Simon (Member Number: 211097)Reconnecting to Family and Nature
Outdoor prizes entice with a promise of fun and adventure; of reconnecting with family, talking, listening and laughing - all without the distractions of technology.
Lorna (Member Number: 195205)Simplicity
Outdoor prizes keep us grounded -remind us to slow down & seize the little moments.
Jodie (Member Number: 31834)SUN SUN AND LOTS OF FUN
A great ay to get outside with friends and family and enjoy the warmer weather before the cold sets in
Jade (Member Number: 199047)Escaping the mundane to enjoy nature
Indoors has a limit on what fun can be had however outdoors has so much more to offer. Today's society sees us take outside for granted
Elizabeth (Member Number: 124949)Family Bonding
No other activities bring a family together like camping and fishing.
Wayne (Member Number: 255980)Escape the daily grind
Getting into the great outdoors is the best way to escape the daily grind, have fun and unwind
Anita (Member Number: 35030)Connect with tech kids
Making it hard to charge the game console, not having tv on hand and best of all... Having no reception makes family time so much more special
Debra (Member Number: 191851)Simple times
Memories of simpler times recreated, when fun was a basic caravan by the Murray and a tent with a broken zip but noone cared. It's just pure back to nature basic and make your own fun.
Olivera (Member Number: 88380)New Aussie's Dream
I'm originally from the UK & due to the 'challenging' weather have never been camping. Now I'm an Aussie these prizes get me all excited about finally giving it a go (in much better conditions!).
Vicky (Member Number: 6013)Great way to relax
Not only is getting outdoors a great way to relax but getting some fresh air can make you feel alive again
Katrina (Member Number: 20515)Off Road Adventures
Love outdoor prizes because we often go camping with friends. Nothing better than prizes we can bring to show off to everyone!
Patrick (Member Number: 163296)Exploring Nature
My husband and I love walking, here in Western Australia, we have some beautiful parks, forests and walk trails to explore our native flora and fauna.
Julie (Member Number: 202397)BECOME ALIVE!!!
Rejuvenating your senses and clearing your mind to appreciate where we live and the simple things in life!
(Member Number: 11548)The ultimate reward
It provides an opportunity for one to experience and make memories. It's a prize for everyone.
Kym (Member Number: 66777)Outdoors
It means the whole family get to spend more time outside having fun together!
(Member Number: 2121)Loving Australia
I think outdoor prizes are great prizes because they encourage the family and I to get outside away from the computer! There is so much to see and do in beautiful Australia and it's great to see what products are on the market even if you don't win.
Janeen (Member Number: 209857)Always Out Doors
All I needs is all of my family around just to spend quality time together out doors that's the best prize for me.
Peta (Member Number: 244474)Peace at last
As a family we have been camping over Christmas and Easter totalling 8 weeks a year for the last 15 years at the same spot that my husband and his family has been for over35 years. Over that time our children have grown, developed strong friendships and learned about this wonderful country. We fish, swim, climb trees, have camp fires, play games ( no electronics ) and have a total ball. Wether it is in a tent, van or swag, camping is the best experience any single couple or family can have
Karin (Member Number: 255482)FOND MEMORIES
Only the other day I imagined my first tent pitched on the from lawn so many years ago.
Richard (Member Number: 8441)Thrilling
Camping with my wife is so thrilling
Jesto (Member Number: 195003)Fresh air and tranquility
Is there anything better? Leaving behind the noises of daily life and just being able to relax
Larissa (Member Number: 120681)Good, old fashioned fun!
A great way to enjoy fresh air and the great outdoors without having to fork out a fortune! Peace and quiet, big sky, campfire food (yum!, and just the chance to bring our hectic life back to basics!
Jan (Member Number: 17920)Childhood memories
Swinging on a Tarzan rope across a river, picnics in the bush, fun in the car with my six siblings during all those long holiday drives....these are great memories I wish I was able to impart to my own children!
Sue (Member Number: 152320)Experiencing nature
A lot of kids these days have no idea about how wonderful nature and the outdoors is. A great way to bond with family, get some exercise and create great memories
Michaela (Member Number: 107712)waiting
waiting to win then I'll have lots to say
Greg (Member Number: 218671)Outdoor Explorers
Outdoors is our family's favourite place. We love sports, being active and we play 'explorers' with our two little sons and meet all kinds of creatures and get dirty. We love Outdoor adventure prizes as they allow us to go beyond the backyard!
Sally (Member Number: 243432)Australian sun and family
Family time in the australian sun, nothing better.
Elizabeth (Member Number: 219765)Darkness
Nighttime in the outback, fire cackling , billy tea, damper with jam in hand watching the Milky way do it's thing. Can't forget the camera setup. Lifetime of memories in a shot.
Matthew (Member Number: 135958)In touch with nature
Memories to be made,
Sunburn that will eventually fade,
Taking in the fresh air,
Could anything really compare?
Anything outdoors is great for the kids,
Running, playing on the bike doing skids,
Great to keep them occupied,
Being motivated to stay outside.
Sarah (Member Number: 23610)4x4 fun
Love playing in the mud and the kiddies think camping and playing in the 4wd is great
Marlene (Member Number: 77523)Love Outdoors
Winning outdoor prizes means you have to get outside to use your prize. So you get fresh air and time to appreciate what's outside. Things like birds, lizards, plants and hopefully friends and/or family with you to enjoy all those great things.
Eadie (Member Number: 228109)Makeover
Watching the kids play outside, while using your outdoor products
Renate (Member Number: 40843)It's So Australian
Outdoor prizes are a great reminder that we truly ARE the "Lucky Country". The Australian way of life is not limited to sitting behind a computer in a high rise apartment. Our opportunities are endless.
Jennifer (Member Number: 59833)Being with Nature
The wonders of the land and it's beauty. Knowing that it can never be replicated & is always different. Feeling small next to a giant tree and insignificant next to a boulder. Watching the animals in their home and the respect nature has for itself. Man can never top this or make if better!
Esther (Member Number: 255847)Nature
Relaxing and enjoying nature in style
Lorita (Member Number: 255845)Getting back to nature
Outdoor prizes encourage you to get outside and soak up the vitamin D, spend time with family and friends, breathe fresh air and appreciate the world be are blessed to live in.
Linda (Member Number: 34328)Appreciation
We camp in very basic style. We make sure we stay warm and feed ourselves well while having heaps of family fun. By the time we get home we extremely appreciate the comforts that our home gives. Also for the kids it's great to learn to appreciate this.
Marc (Member Number: 231906)Back to Nature
Playing, and enjoying being like a kid again.
Gillian (Member Number: 20450)Roughing it
With the amazing prizes on offer for outdoor activities, I can still be a princess and make sure I never have to rough it in the outdoors!
Melinda (Member Number: 184362)Adventure for Kids
Most children today do not get to have a lot of free adventurous time, camping in the outdoors provides this and my kids keep asking when Easter is because we will be camping at the beach
Katrina (Member Number: 184965)What's not to love??
Imagine winning a new outdoor setting so you can relax and wind and dine and enjoy our great outdoors. Sounds like just what I need...
Nasrin (Member Number: 152729)Camping creates great memories
Camping with your family is a great way to enjoy each other's company in a fun and natural atmosphere. Children also enjoy being able to go down and use the shower block as it is a treat that you can't have when you stay at a motel.
Barbara (Member Number: 96571)Torture
Nothing. Mosquitoes, public toilets & showers & a possible verse or two of Kumbaya. Give me five star any time!
Kathy (Member Number: 67348)Outdoor Fun Extravaganza
Outdoor Prizes encourage us to be Happy and Healthy. Its fun done the proper way!
Contributing to a work rest and play motto!:)
Suzie (Member Number: 255107)no technology!!!!!!
It forces the family to get away from the tv/computers/mobiles and get some well needed fresh air.
Laura (Member Number: 194203)Quality Time
Getting away from the hustle and bustle (and all screened objects) is what makes getting outdoor prizes so appealing.
Angela (Member Number: 13761)Affordable Family Getaway
When we want to get away, we love to go camping. It is an enjoyable, inexpensive way for us to leave technology behind and spend time together.
Tania (Member Number: 215009)fun and discovery
Nothing better than the great outdoors, being in a natural setting, connecting with loved ones and nature without interruptions from unnecessary technology
Barbara (Member Number: 312)Sun, Sea & Relax
What better way than to relax in the sun by the sandy beaches having a picnic watching the sunset.
Janine (Member Number: 240035)Time to fish
Time to be with the grandkids,teach them to fish now they are big enough,& sleep in the sun in our great aussie outdoors.
Could it get any better?
Chris (Member Number: 171708)Camping's For EVERYONE
It's A Great Way To Have Family Time.. No Electronic Gadgets Just Outdoor Fun.. We LOVE It!!!
Kim (Member Number: 217778)The Great Outdoors
You can enjoy the great outdoors, get some much needed Vitamin D and fresh air and it's also cheap!
Karina (Member Number: 1011)Quality Time
Quality Time spent with family is so important and becoming so much less these days as many people can't afford family holidays. I believe so many parents would love to have a technology free holiday to remind their kids "the great outdoors" is healthy and super adventurous.
Karen (Member Number: 3504)The fantasy factor!
Camping and outdoor prizes are attractive because they trade on our fantasy of escaping life, work, responsibility and technology. Upon our escape, we can spend quality time with family and friends, so what's not to like?
Amanda (Member Number: 146995)The great outdoors
Nothing is better for stress relief than getting back to nature with the family sitting around a fire talking and chillin.
Scott (Member Number: 225148)See the stars
Camping wow, nothing better being under a starry sky, fire going, great company and kids just loving being in the fresh air all day.
Tania (Member Number: 236850)Freedom Reigns!
Outdoor prizes offer structure-less flexibility! You can swim one day, barbeque the next, or do it back to front. There are no plans and nothing holding you down! It's all about you.
Melissa (Member Number: 5286)Fun on a Budget
These prizes are so popular these days as everyone is so busy it's great to get out into the great open spaces and just take a breather. Plus it's good to get kids out of the house and away form their computers and video games.
Gayle (Member Number: 204932)camping
Its time to relax and just enjoy
Christine (Member Number: 146394)Family time
Getting outdoors and having quality Time with the family with no technology best way to spend time with the family
Tracey (Member Number: 243344)Campers paradise
I think it's a little bit if amazing childhood memories and that camping is a cost effective way to for us to be able to holiday with our children.
Kirsty (Member Number: 234995)Fun in the sun
Most families love getting out and about, so outdoor prizes will be used well.
Mandy (Member Number: 3297)Add your comment
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