What Are Your Hot Competitions Winning Tips?

CompetitionsGuide.com.au Stories

We often get asked, especially on TV for our top tips on winning competitions.

These usually follow the tips we give in Competitions - The Book, and there's plenty there.

But we'd also like to know what tips our members have to win more prizes.

Do you have a hot comping tip? Let us know below, it would be great to share your thoughts!

Thanks, and as always - Good Luck!

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Think of others
Five yrs ago I won one of the most amazing trips ever to be on offer - the '10th anniversary Ghan trip' in the private Chairman's carriage for 6 people, including all flights, hotel in Darwin etc. It was worth $25,000. It was a 25 WOL comp and I still believe to this day I won it because I entered with my sister in mind. She was turning 50 & I really wanted to do something special for her. If you think of others when entering then I believe that helps in winning!
Dorothy (Member Number: 211702)
Persistence is everything.
It takes a little time to build momentum but once you're on a roll, it's worth it. In the last 10 days I've won 5 comps- $32,000 worth of prizes.

Use your time to enter the prizes you want to win. If it takes thought or effort your chances will be higher because others will think the same. Be consistent and keep going.
Melissa (Member Number: 477443)
Give them a laugh
I never take 25 words or less too seriously. I normally put anything that comes to mind, which is normally funny. I've won a few 25 words or less that way ☺
Sharni (Member Number: 206765)
Just do you!!
Be yourself. Don't overthink your answers and just have fun with it. I've won numerous things that way.
Jj (Member Number: 122754)
Have fun!
Set yourself time each week and enter as many comps as you can in your timeframe and just have fun, you have nothing to lose. I have won a couple of small prizes which paid for being premium which is great, hopefully more to come.
Jacqueline (Member Number: 486716)
Just keep swimming...
Just. Keep. Entering.
I've always thought I'm unlucky but I joined competitions guide, read the book and won about $800 worth of prizes.
Shanelle (Member Number: 467011)
Gotta be in it to win it
I joined up last month and have already won a gift voucher through the eftpos promo. Just enter every Comp and sit back and the rewards will happen!
Emma (Member Number: 493409)
Be generous!
I enjoy entering competitions, partly so I can share with others! If I win something that I have no use for, or know someone could benefit from I give it them.... I recently won a TV and donated it to GIVIT charity. Far better someone in need has these then I.
Ella (Member Number: 405732)
I've been entering competitions for over 10 years & have won 2 overseas holidays & lots of smaller prizes. I still get excited even winning the smallest prize.
Dianne (Member Number: 24056)
Enter all that interest you
Having won a LOT of things over the years, my advice is to enter all that interest you. Some you win, some you don't but if you don't enter something that you want, you definitely won't win it. (and if you really really want it, you'll probably end up buying it, so buy entering and winning, you are saving money! ;-) )
Kath (Member Number: 474234)
Have a go
I try to enter as many competitions as I can and I have won some pretty cool things and experiences. It's nice to dream about winning some of the bigger prizes, but even the little wins add up to a lot of $$$.
Jessie (Member Number: 252114)
A proud serial comper - but no piggy!
I only enter competitions for prizes I really want to win - I would rather leave the others for someone who will get joy our of winning it.I have won heaps in the past but are having a dry spell at the moment - however I keep persevering with entering them in the hope my turn will come around again!
Nicola (Member Number: 61049)
Winning fun
I had a few small wins like movie tickets then I went premium. And I can honestly say it was worth every cent. I've won 2 baby gates much needed and about 6 movie tickets, visa cards lots of $50 to $250 cash prizes and trike/stroller, I'm still hoping for a car or a much desired holiday. I enter everything I can especially ones that have multiple prizes because your chances of winning there are much increased. I log in every day to see what's new and it's very addictive and better for you than chocolate lol Can't wait for my next win I love to hear that delivery guy knocking on the door !
Desley (Member Number: 373166)
Gotta be in it...
Yes you’ve heard it a hundred times but it’s true! I recently won a trip to LA through competitionsguide. I repetitively entered comps EVERY day and it paid off!
Adelle (Member Number: 458916)
Make Sure you can Sell It!
I've won quite a few smaller prizes now. At first it was fun and I did it for the practice to experience the "Win." But I would say that once you've got through this phase and become more experienced make sure you only target Comps where you will be able to sell the prize easily online. You can make a nice bit of pocket money that way or even put some extra money on your mortgage! Good luck everyone!
Kieran (Member Number: 299210)
Winning What I Actually Want
Only enter the competitions that you actually will want to win - entering a competition for a brand new lawn mower when you live in an apartment on the 21st floor and trying to sell it is in my eyes, a bit selfish. It'll be hard to sell anyway and someone who entered it could really need that. This is my strategy and I still won a $15000 trip to Oman - which I really, really wanted! This will allow you to appreciate not only what you will win, but your real luck :)
Emily (Member Number: 428230)
Don't be greedy
I Only enter competitions that interest me for products I could use. The rest I like to leave for others to share.
There is plenty for all. So Good Luck and have fun comping.
Esther (Member Number: 297638)
Give it a go
I have been a premium member for 3 months and have won movie tickets and tickets to the ballet. Keep at it and entering, and it might pay off!
Nicole (Member Number: 503048)
Got to be in it to win it!
My mum won first division lotto once as she firmly believed she would oneday win, because of this I live in hope and believe anything is possible. I'm so glad I came across competitionsguide.com.au as now I have better odds with the more competions I enter and I feel lucky.
Nancci (Member Number: 498923)
Enter Everything
You never know your luck until you try...
Give everything a go- and don’t ask why!!!
Tracy (Member Number: 233967)
Have a Go
Gotta be in it to win it. No reason you can't be the winner.Everyone has a fair chance.
Tanya (Member Number: 498927)
Lucky Lotto Feeling
It's amazing after all the times you don't win something you still have the "oooo this time I'll win" feeling! I just started on premium so my time is approaching!
Jasmin (Member Number: 497655)
Mind games
Enter as many comps as you can with outrageously low expectations. That way if you win anything at all it’s like winning the lotto
Samuel (Member Number: 485056)
Fun and Free
You have nothing to loose ....yet so many prizes to possibly win!
Think positively and always keep trying until you win!!
And then keep entering so that you can keep winning!!
Katie (Member Number: 498904)
Joined years ago but decided today I want to win big so paid for premium membership. Watch out for my name on the winners page.
Josephine (Member Number: 77378)
Go for it
Go for it they say, you never know you might just be that lucky one to win.
Chantelle (Member Number: 476370)
Don't get defeated
Just keep positive and keep entering and it will happen and when it does you feel so great to have finally won something it's a real buzz!!
Dale (Member Number: 449211)
Run with that first thought that enters your head!
Don't overthink it, if you do that initial winning response ends up coming out wrong! Just be yourself and go for gold!
Aimee (Member Number: 459382)
Keep hoping and be happy
Still waiting for a nice win but I enter many competitions and dream big. Dreaming can sometimes be almost as good as the actual prizes. Here's hoping.
Janice (Member Number: 473553)
No pain, no gain!
Enter and enter one competition after the other. When you start getting a headache from the bright screen, enter at least 15 more and start entering other completions again tomorrow.
Cassandra (Member Number: 498800)
Be in it to win it
Just have a go don't hold back. If you don't you will never know.
Kerrie (Member Number: 388137)
Winning tips for me.
Enter as much as possible. You gotta be in it to win it!
Sueanne (Member Number: 493123)
Take Your Time
Sometimes a good answer needs time to brew. Read the question and sit with it for a few days. You want to give your best response, not your fastest.
Vicky (Member Number: 399763)
Be original
Think of something that highlights the product or prize and think of something unique and funny to write. Catch phrases and keeping your responses honest, while having a go at lots of different competitions is a sure way to bring success. Most of all don’t use any slogan that isn’t true, customers really dislike misleading claims about products and prizes. Good luck everyone!
Margaret (Member Number: 463828)
Embarrassing Win
Don't disregard competitions where you have to purchase so called embarrassing products like tampons, condoms or haemorrhoid cream because a lot of people won't enter them so you have more chance of winning.
Kelly (Member Number: 318566)
be optomistic
keep going, do not give up even though you never win.
Leonie (Member Number: 266387)
Go For Gold
We live in a beautiful part of the world with many opportunities! And some opertunities come in the form of prizes through competitions......so as the Auzzies say.....have a go...and go fpr gold! There is nothing to lose! Have some fun, include your friends and family, wait in anticipation and hope and if not successful keep smiling and try again.
Monica (Member Number: 411963)
Dare to Dream
Everyone has a dream so why not try to make some of them a reality. Enter the competitions that appeal and dream to win!
Dianne (Member Number: 387756)
Have fun but be honest!
I dig deep with my '25 words or less' and answer from the heart. I think people relate more to that than slurpy responses that are so obviously fake. Don't give up - eventually you'll start winning.
Michelle (Member Number: 4704)
Snapshot to learn what’s new
From cars to cruises, TVs to trailers, holidays to high performance tools .. you can see what’s new and enter competitions to win something at the same time!
Carmen (Member Number: 468053)
Best 5 minutes spent
It takes a few minutes to enter and you just never know when it's your turn to win something.
Donna (Member Number: 495781)
Don't spread yourself too thin
Entering more competitions gives you a greater chance at winning a prize, but be careful of competition fatigue lest you give up entirely
Melissa (Member Number: 479040)
Live in Hope
Haven't won anything yet but only just joined up. Guess you have to be in long term before winning anything. Entering as much as I can and hoping for something coming my way very soon - that would be a nice surprise.
Sarndra (Member Number: 490907)
Be in it what do you have to lose
You have to be in it to have the chance to win it
Katrina (Member Number: 226949)
Have Fun!
We enter competitions to win but at the same time it is fun to participate and as they say...you've gotta be in it to win it!
Debra (Member Number: 139761)
Got to be in it to win it!
Give it a try.
Natalie (Member Number: 472136)
If you aren't busy winning, get busy loosing
I have never been a "lucky person", honestly, I've only ever won two things in my life and both took skill rather than luck. But truth be told, there has to be a winner and that winner could always be you; if you enter that is.
The longer you put it off, the more times you say "ah it'll never happen." The more times it will not.
It could take 10 seconds to enter a competition and a life time worth of benefit after that if you happen to win. So why not, get busy WINNING.
Storm (Member Number: 468006)
Log on before bed
Every couple of nights and see what closing comps are available through Premium. Spend 15 minutes or so doing the ones you want. It’s that easy.
Joanna (Member Number: 489213)
nothing is too small
Enter everything. No comp is too small! Good luck!
Amy (Member Number: 442700)
Enter Enter Enter
Go premium and enter as many completions as you can or the ones you want to win :). Also remember to have fun
Jarryd (Member Number: 498450)
Don't miss a date!
Be organised and keep track in a diary and this is so important in shop to win. Don't miss out on the opportunity!
Lisa (Member Number: 215525)
Enter competitions with the expectation that you have as good as chance as anyone to win it. Positivity is powerful!
Justine (Member Number: 498400)
I always read the Rules & Regulations on each competition I enter to see if I can only enter once, or daily.
If you need to write 25 Words or Less, I try to make it fun, use the Brand Name and be Original.

You need to enjoy each Competition Entry, I always enter for prizes I can use as gifts or for myself. You need to be consistent and go on Competitionsguide.com.au each day for their new Competitions or the ones that are about to expire.

Deanne (Member Number: 45565)
Enter every competition
As they say, you've got to be in it to win it. Enter as many comps as you can!
Jack (Member Number: 124309)
No in it .... won't win it !!!
Visit when you have a few minutes and just do it randomly so not a chore.
Damon kerr (Member Number: 486301)
My tips.
Go premium and enter enter enter.Love Woolies and Coles.
Patricia (Member Number: 498261)
Be Real ... Get Serious
Make sure you answer competitions honestly ...go premium for best results
Rachel (Member Number: 490283)
Keep trying
Do as many competitions as you can.. if your not winning, try different style answers.
John gibbons (Member Number: 459385)
Never give up
Just keep entering as often as you can and eventually you’re bound to get lucky.
Sharon (Member Number: 497711)
Give it a try
You have to enter to have a chance. so give it a go. Be fair and enter realistically so everyone has a chance.
Pauline (Member Number: 475003)
Its my job away from home
I see comping as a second job, my time is after the kids have gone to bed. Take it easy and make it fun.
Cassandra (Member Number: 448720)
Most people tend not to enter competitions because they feel defeated before they have even tried.
They feel the odds are too far against them or the time and energy to apply is simply not worth the reward.
The reality is that like anything in life if you don't persevere and stay positive than the outcome you want won't occur.
As they commonly say, 'You have to be in it, to win it!'
Desmond (Member Number: 498178)
Join Facebook
A lot of competitions require a Facebook account. Worth signing up for one even if you only use it to enter competitions.
Helen (Member Number: 486019)
Only spend 30 mins or so
My advice is to only spend 30 mins to an hour doing comps. Only enter the ones you want to win. Some other sites have bogus comps just to grab your email. Be alert.
Lynette (Member Number: 428448)
Savour the moment
I enjoy the challenge the comps present... the anticipation of potentially winning. This way I don't see winning the prize as the only positive outcome. Love the moments of entry and using my brain.
Michelle (Member Number: 460257)
25 words or less
I like to be able to use some creativity to try to win a prize, rather than a random draw, so 25 words or less comps appeal to me, and I have had success with these.
Suzanne (Member Number: 459384)
Spend 15 minutes a day
Just spend 15minutesa day onCo.petitionsGuide Premium until you have entered all the available competitions. Then stay up to date by using the daily Competitions guide email reminder
David (Member Number: 215443)
Obscure and short run
look for less popular products with comps on them eg: asparagus spears rather than well known popular items eg: cadburys chocolate or coca cola and competitions that don't run for long. This will increase your odds. If you won't eat the item yourself put it in a christmas hamper for someone who will
Amanda (Member Number: 191942)
Anticipation raises your vibration
With every cometitionp entered you have a chance of being a winner. Hold this feeling with you throughout the day to lift your mood and give you a winners mindset
Tracy (Member Number: 456657)
Why waist your time looking at pointless stuff on your phone when you can browse this site looking at products that interest you entering to win at the same time!
James (Member Number: 483595)
Enter correctly
Be sure to double check all your details are correct and make sure you have followed all entry steps to ensure its valid. ALWAYS read terms and conditions. Happy comping
Danielle (Member Number: 411892)
Have A Go
Make regular entry’s be consistent big prizes are harder to win keep receipts
Peter k (Member Number: 496581)
Read as many of these tips as possible, there is definitely gold in there
Kevin (Member Number: 497853)
Definitely keep any receipt you are given! It's worth it to enter competitions.
Jacqueline (Member Number: 469926)
Helping Dreams come true
What better way to help dreams come true, but to enter the competitions of your dreams, we can't all afford the better things in life but to dream a little helps, so enter the comps and dream.
Stephanie (Member Number: 421662)
Sign up to Premium
The more comps you enter the more chance of winning.
Kerri (Member Number: 497760)
Give it a go!
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Rebecca (Member Number: 496973)
My Competition Tips
My competition rules are pretty simple.

Firstly, I only enter a competition that I actually want to win, or which I know someone in my family is desperate to have. I think entering a competition that you then intend to sell is pretty selfish. I try to enter the competitions that I need. So at the moment I am desperate to win a washing machine lol!

Secondly, I never ever buy something just to enter a competition, unless it is something that I will use or generally buy anyway, such as a certain brand of pasta, or toilet paper.

Thirdly, I never enter anything that involves putting a photo of my child on social media. For me, the risk is not worth it.

I have won quite a few comps, including an actual star in the sky, $500 at Bunnings, Weber BBQ, Natio packs, movie tickets, and numerous craft supplies.

I enter for fun, and also because I am not very wealthy. Winning something makes me happy, and makes me feel good that I can provide my family with fun or expensive things just by writing 25 words or less!
Kathleen (Member Number: 378076)
Go with the flow
Enter and forget if it was meant to be you'll win
Tracy (Member Number: 494290)
Don't be a suck up!
Give an honest, real answer! It's totally see through when people are being fake and ingenue to try and win!
Sarah (Member Number: 446199)
It’s a Win/Win for you and the company!
Michele jackson (Member Number: 497512)
A few dollars for a big prize
It’s worth buying a product on the shelf to enter a competition as the prize is worth far more than the cost of an item.
Nicole (Member Number: 497439)
25wol Comps
Always research websites on the Country/area when entering 25wol comps asking why you would like to win the prize of a trip to that particular Country.
Paul (Member Number: 456422)
Don't Forget
When you buy to enter make sure you receive a receipt !
Jody (Member Number: 492003)
Life’s Mantra..
You gotta be in it to win it!

Peta (Member Number: 497553)
Be persistant
Keep entering as many competitions as you can ,that you are interested in, just the thought of winning something is exciting. and Sign up for Premium, more comps , more chances.
Elizabeth (Member Number: 288112)
Don't Despair Yours Will Be There
I have been entering comps for over 4 months and haven't won a thing but I know one day I'll open my comp it will guide page and "Wolla" it will be there.
Rachel (Member Number: 482210)
Imagine it's already yours
The success to winning is imagining that the prize is already yours....this way you have more chance of the universe delivering the outcome you want.
Nez (Member Number: 488895)
Give it a go
Check the competitions regularly and enter any that you are interested in. Just give it a go and hopefully you will get a pleasant surprise one day!
I am yet to win a prize yet but I will keep trying and just enjoying entering the competitions.
Siouxsie (Member Number: 346184)
Have a go ya mug
Sound advice for not only comps but life in general. Courtesy of my dear father in law
Irene (Member Number: 492741)
That moment!
The moment you win something is a feeling that can never be explained and each person reacts in a different way. Get involved and show the world your inner winner. It could change your life.
Shane (Member Number: 322108)
Rhyming surprise
Enter every comp I can, that has always been my plan.
Rhyming is easy so don't be surprised, if one of your poems wins you a prize!
Taryn (Member Number: 231455)
It would be nice if...
As you go about your day, having largely forgotten your entry to a competition will be when you win it. New email message will show on your phone as you sit waiting, preocuppied with your life and YOU'VE WON! That surge of excitement is like finding $50 in the pocket of a jacket not worn in years. It's a great feeling!
Rowan (Member Number: 497362)
You have to be in it to win it .........
I have only just started doing competitions even to win something small would be great
David (Member Number: 496445)
Give it a Go
Enter competition where you are actually interested in the prize on offer. And where you think the prize will enhance your life and you need or would enjoy the prize. And as they say you have to be in it to win it.
Kirsty (Member Number: 486146)
Never give up!
The more comps you enter the more chance you've got. Be persistent and never give up!
Kristie (Member Number: 495694)
Yes I’m a dreamer
Every competition I enter in competition guide , I dream about what I’m going to do with the prize I’m about to win . And when I don’t win I think oh well better luck next time .
Aaltje (Member Number: 481065)
Competionsguide premium makes perfect sense
Having all the competitions there in one place is the only way to do it. It would be virtually impossible to enter as many competitions without competionsguide. Well worth the money.
Robert (Member Number: 480701)
Just give it a go
You have to be in it to win it!!
Hannah (Member Number: 497228)
You Can't Lose
With the cost of living for ever on the increase, a small win is a bonus in any ones book.
Craig (Member Number: 497110)
Look for the silver linings ...
I joined Competitions Guide a month ago and have not as yet won. However, in order to enter a competition, I obtained quotes from a market comparison site. As a result, without changing companies, my electricity discount was doubled and a very substantial 'loyalty' refund was given on my home insurance. Had I not been keen to enter the competition, I would not have sought these comparison quotes. Even if you don't win, look for those silver linings, they are worth it!
Sandra (Member Number: 493754)
Just cross you fingers and hope for the best!
Tayla (Member Number: 496569)
If at first you don't succeed
If you never try how can you be rewarded for your efforts.
Kathryn (Member Number: 458724)
Be Truthful to yourself
I cannot make up stories that I don’t believe in just to win because someone else may want or need it more than me.
Patricia (Member Number: 464446)
Enter the 25 word comps
Most people will give up when they see they have to come up with 25 words or less to enter. More chances for you to win if you take the time to write something!
Chris (Member Number: 316039)
No sob story
Don't answer with a sob story. They're not likely to get you a prize. Be more positive.
Jenna (Member Number: 122004)
Even A Novice Can Win
Even as a novice you can be a winner so Join In The Comps
Graeme (Member Number: 496908)
25 Words or less
The secret for success
Is to take your time
And make it Rhyme
Robert (Member Number: 334764)
Winning tips
Good things come to those who wait :)
Catherine (Member Number: 10447)
Persistence pays off
25 words doesnt mean you have to use all 25 words, be creative and be a little humorous
Colin (Member Number: 23912)
Enter them all
Join all comeptitions to improve your odds
Caitlin (Member Number: 489460)
nothing to lose
nothing to lose,every thing to gain by entering.
Ian (Member Number: 466230)
Local is lucky
I find that entering competitions in my local area results in more wins. As a bonus, I experience things in my city that I wouldn’t normally.
Olivia (Member Number: 195602)
What if?????
What if I win! Dreaming of winning is just as exciting as winning.
Scott (Member Number: 496377)
Timing is key
For those competitions that don’t require 25 words or less, lodging your entry in the middle or towards the ends of the promotion period can often pay dividends. This worked for me back in 2015 when I entered a competition on the Honda Australia website to win a Honda HR-V only 1 day before it closed, and ended up winning.
Harry (Member Number: 412352)
You've got to be in it to win it!
It's a numbers thing. The more you enter the more you increase your chances. Xxx
Deb (Member Number: 492155)
Be in it
You can't win unless you're in it
Amanda (Member Number: 56324)
Be genuine
There is nothing worse than a fake or insincere any to a question. Be true to yourself and always put your best foot forward. Put out positive vibes and you will be rewarded
Emma (Member Number: 496614)
Always Look on The Bright Side of Life!
Enter everything you want to win, as someone has to win, so you may as well be in! Take time away from the kids, the house and facebook as well, get on competitionsguide and go like hell! Wether you enter to win something large or small, it's better than winning nothing at all! Be committed to entering, do it every day, as one day you never know, what special prizes may be coming your way!
Michelle (Member Number: 494771)
Enter Skill based comps
Try to be a little more discerning with your entries. I prefer to enter only in comps where you need to give 25 words or less, and also in a topic that you are passionate about. That way your more likely to cut out all the comps that are only there to get your info and you increase your chances of appealing to judges.
Alexander (Member Number: 429388)
Premium makes Winner's Grinner's.
To win it go Premium - I went Premium to try to win a car for my amazing mum. She deserves the world. Good luck to everyone.
Sonia (Member Number: 496906)
Try anything.
Robert (Member Number: 475506)
Gotta be in it to win it
The more you enter the bigger your chances.
Erin (Member Number: 483406)
Enter Four Comps Each Day
I enter four comps religiously each day. I take time over a cuppa to do my daily ritual. It doesn't take long at all. Good luck fellow Compers!
Jaci (Member Number: 479165)
Remain POsitive
Just remain positive, we all know there is only two things that will always happen, death and taxes.
Col (Member Number: 407680)
Have fun
Just enjoy taking part, have fun and have a go.
Susan (Member Number: 461183)
More! More! More!
The more the merrier I keep saying. And I'm only new myself yet.
Julie (Member Number: 474701)
Positive thinking!!!
Say positive things to yourself and you will be rewarded
Sirani (Member Number: 233693)
enter what i can
I love entering competitions as it keeps my mind active and it is great to share your thoughts and experiences with others. some prizes may be regifted and some i may share with friends.,
Hans (Member Number: 494052)
Enter for Gifting
I saved so much money one year by entering smaller competitions throughout. Books, skincare, vouchers etc. I had a good chunk of my family's xmas presents covered.
Erin (Member Number: 116356)
Hot tip - enter it!
Because if you don't enter, you can't win.
Amanda (Member Number: 462049)
Try and try again
You have to be in it to win so just keep trying
Kimi (Member Number: 416331)
Believe you can win
Actually believe that you can win, and picture in your mind, you winning the product/item that you would like to win, and using the product and enjoying it.
Jodie (Member Number: 482038)
Enter the competitions that ask questions
Entering competitions that ask for 25 words or less give more chance because most people skip those competitions, increasing your chances to win :)
Clare (Member Number: 496692)
Keep at it.
Paulo (Member Number: 473219)
You never know
Only takes one entry o be a winner
Natalie (Member Number: 485204)
Dream a little
It's not always about winning for me. Even when I buy art union tickets, I use the opportunity to dream a little about what I would do if I won. It's a low tech, anti-gadget way of getting a bit of quality 'me' time in the day. Daydreaming is important because it uses part of your brain that we neglect while we're so busy using social media, planning our day, filtering news, being sold to and so on.
Gina (Member Number: 165226)
Play the numbers game
There are so many competitions.based on "The law of averages" the possibility of winning increases with the number of entries that you participate in.
Ralph (Member Number: 492016)
Promote the product!
This is especially good when entering on Facebook. If the competition is an 'every comment wins' type, you can increase your chances by giving the company a clever plug. I won several meat packs from a local butcher this way.
Sarah (Member Number: 27016)
Be patient and thoughtful
In those competitions that require 25 words etc, read the terms and conditions carefully, then leave the entry for a while. On a separate sheet of paper, work patiently on your submission until you are satisfied with your entry. Then return to the competition and copy your submission and submit it.
Peter john (Member Number: 397829)
Great Advice From Seasoned Players
Just joined and found the comments above soldiers helpful. No matter how small the prize I would be over the moon to win anything!
Jacqueline (Member Number: 494706)
Dream big
I find the more I love the idea of winning a certain prize the more effort I put into the entry. For example if it’s something I’m passionate about the words just come freely. Just thinking about how you would feel if you won is enough to inspire you!
Jasmine (Member Number: 496580)
Stay local
Have had good success with Facebook like/tag/share competitions for businesses/restaurants in the area I live.
Jen (Member Number: 365435)
Gotta be in it to win it
Use Competitions Guide as your starting point and enter competitions on a daily basis, morning or night so you keep up with what’s out there. Sign up to receive emails when you enter competitions as often the follow up emails have more competitions in them.
Quantity and entering as many as you can has to increase your likelihood of winning.
Luisa (Member Number: 175233)
keep going
read the terms in comps so easy to read an find one you an re enter
Adam (Member Number: 46090)
A few a day
I find it better better to attempt a few a day than a lot in one big sitting.
Cheryl (Member Number: 87716)
Winners are grinners
Dont ever get disheartened if at first you dont succeed... try try again!
I Have always loved a good competition but have had more luck since using competitions guide.
It is a game of chance and like everything in life its a gamble but a gamble worth taking.
Alicia (Member Number: 482145)
Don’t over-think it
I only enter 25 WOL competitions. I usually find my first response to the question works best. I write it down and tweak it a bit, then I type it, word count, spell check & grammar check it, then submit it. If I agonise over it too long, it loses it’s impact.
Liane (Member Number: 495560)
Go Premium
Join a site like Competitions Guide and Go Premium. They have already sorted out the rubbish for you and filtered the good competitions!
Prue (Member Number: 416282)
Stand out
Make yourself stand. On social media, look at what people have already written and make your creative answer stand out
Narelle (Member Number: 475063)
Enter for fun
Just have fun and a free spirit
Sharyn (Member Number: 486440)
Enter a few comps every day
Make it a habit to enter a few competitions when you sit down at the end of the day and the prizes will start coming in before you know it
Lisa (Member Number: 474057)
Winning icomps
Use a competition website like competition guide to enter as many competitions as can that are not scams.
Erika (Member Number: 489242)
Gotta be in it to win it
Do comps that interest you but that may also help a friend or family member. I never go into comp thinking of myself, i always keep in my mind my nearest and dearest. Enter comps that are a little more complicated, i find there is more chance of winning :) happy comping everyone
Alexandra (Member Number: 492142)
Have a go
If your not in it you can't win it. That is a old saying. You need to try and make some luck in your life. So send it to the universe, and with finger crossed it listens. Good Luck
Bea (Member Number: 493155)
You've got to be in it to win it right?
As a newbie to competitions, i'm still learning.
Rebecca (Member Number: 494950)
Small prizes add up!
Try entering the 25 WOL competitions to win smaller prizes, such as DVDs and movie tickets.
Far less people enter those than the larger comps, such as to win a car, and even less enter the 25 WOL comps, anyway.
Often, you'll find that less than 200 people have entered and your chances of winning are much higher, esp with a clever 25 WOL answer.
I love the smaller comps, as I collect my winnings and save them to give as Christmas Presents, etc.
Winning those small comps actually saves me a lot of money!

Kelly (Member Number: 429000)
You've got to be in it to win it
My theory is the more comps you enter the more likely it is you will win something :)

Lauren (Member Number: 142013)
Positive Thinking and Enter EVERYTHING!
Before I enter a competition, I say to myself that I have already won the prize and imagine how I would feel receiving the news that I have won and using the prize! What you think and believe, you will attract
Reema (Member Number: 494988)
Got nothing to lose!
Why not enter everything you can when you have nothing to lose? Have fun and give it a go. You may even come out the other end with a few exciting surprises!
Christina (Member Number: 496403)
Gotta be in it to win it.
Enter as many as you can and join competitionsguide.com.au and you have it all sorted out for you for easy wins :)
Kristy (Member Number: 167411)
You Have got To Be In It To WIN IT!!!
New to this site but am enjoying entering according to the above motto - You Never Know Your Luck!!!
Janice (Member Number: 475022)
The best thing to remember when entering competitions is that you are not entitled to the prize. Don't be upset if you don't win - because you are not the only person entering and the prize is free!
Dont give up hope, enter the contests that you actually want to win (not just anything that is open to enter) and be persistant!

Best of luck everyone :)
Rebecca (Member Number: 494026)
Give it a go
Enter all relevant competitions, I don't enter ones that I think someone else would be better off with. Like anything it's all about luck, got to be in it to win it. Plus it's a bit of fun :-)
Josephine (Member Number: 410567)
When buying products to enter competitions read the T’s and C’s carefully to ensure you have purchased from the correct participating store.
Kim (Member Number: 496133)
Give it a go
You have to be in it to win on. It's as simple as that.
Sherryn (Member Number: 387344)
Have fun and hope for the best
I am using Competitions Guide to find all the competitions for me - all I do is enter and hope for the best. I also think the competitions where you need to pay can be a good way to try to win something and help out a charity at the same time - where it is affordable. Paying for the Premium access is quite reasonable when compared to the cost of other hobbies.
Samuel (Member Number: 488349)
Never Give Up
I love entering competitions and thoroughly believe "you have to be in it to win it" So I keep entering and having fun along the way.
Lisa (Member Number: 480014)
Make the effort
Enter competitions that make you work, as most people give up if it's "too hard" so you have less competition. And believe that you are already a winner....good luck :-)
Sandy (Member Number: 472738)
Winners are Grinners but only if you Enter
Enter all that you can ....even if you don’t need it. I enter everything possible so I can regift to my family.
Kath (Member Number: 494650)
Go for gold
You’ve gotta be in it to win it!
Whitney (Member Number: 487746)
The Devil's in the details
Check the closing dates and times
Shannen (Member Number: 189050)
You never know when it's your turn to win.
Anna (Member Number: 489425)
You wanna win?
Why not try and enter anything and everything? If you aren't in it you won't winnit. Enter it even if you don't like it because you can always gift it to someone who would :)
Christopher (Member Number: 495551)
An oldie but a goodie
Ya gotta be in it to win it !!!!
Enter a million draws,the chances may be slim but that's still a million more chances at getting lucky over others who can't be bothered going to the effort. Good luck and have fun.
Kristy (Member Number: 495634)
Make entering comps FUN!
Enter everything then one day you will get a big surprise!
Lenore (Member Number: 131532)
Never stop Entering
Enter as many comps as you can/want to, and you never know what you will end up winning. :)
Jacinta (Member Number: 309816)
Having a go
Got to be in it to win it
Ryan (Member Number: 496257)
Check Terms and Conditions
I know it's boring but I always check the terms and conditions, especially contest dates and number of entries allowed when I find a comp I would really like to win, that way I know I have a decent chance
Jeannine (Member Number: 11462)
Just keep saying "WIN"
My method is simple. WINever I can, I just keep saying WIN....especially in WINsdays WIN I am usually WINNing at work and staring out the WINdow.
Richard (Member Number: 438904)
Rhyme It!
If you have time,
Write a rhyme,
You win small,
You may win it all,
Either way, the prizes with be Sublime!
Lisa (Member Number: 496253)
Be in it to win it
Enter all the competions you can a in a day now there is a big chance of you now winning so try your luck
Samantha (Member Number: 374803)
Gotta be in it to win it
It's important to keep track of when new competitions pop up so check daily to enter - You gotta be in it to win it
Joy (Member Number: 483786)
Involve the family
My family of five are a creative bunch and love helping me come up with a rhyme or a quirky answer to a 25 WOL answer - thanks family, good luck everyone!
Sophie (Member Number: 492515)
still on a role
enter the smaller comps first as you have a better chance of winning, everyone one enters cars, holidays the latest phones, just have fun and happy comping
Hellen (Member Number: 7112)
Persistance is key
Just keep entering, don't give up and you'll see results
Angela (Member Number: 264665)
It could be you!
Some one must win, why can't it be you or I?
I enter to try my luck, it could be me.
Bernadette (Member Number: 496152)
Supermarket specials
Often Competitions Guide will tell you about products in supermarkets and bottle shops that gain you an entry to a competition that is not promoted instore. Make a list of the products for your next shopping trip.
Cathie (Member Number: 411851)
New at this :)
Read tips generously given out from others and learn from their experience.Knowledge has always been a powerful motivator and achiever.
Sharryn mckinley (Member Number: 496155)
I try to enter everything and keep a list of when they are drawn.Most of all just have fun
Angela (Member Number: 493242)
Keep on Swimming
It's fun to enter and buy into the dream of winning regardless of whether you are successful or not.
Kristy (Member Number: 171215)
Its all fun
Just keep at it, and your time will be rewarded!
Alison (Member Number: 493323)
Try them all
The more comps you enter the more chances you have of winning.
Susan (Member Number: 449960)
Exciting !!
Check all the time for new competitions. The more you enter more the chance of winning.
Exciting things will happen !! Good Luck everybody !!
Jodie (Member Number: 494466)
May The Force Be With You
If the Universe determines that it’s your turn to win, prizes shall enter your realm as never before.
Louis (Member Number: 286626)
Use some effort
Its very easy to skip over a competition if it seems like its too much effort to enter. This just means that less people are likely to be in the draw. So give it a go, make it count and good luck!
Adam (Member Number: 464742)
Gota Have A Go
Just signed up and so should you, the old saying, got to be in it to win it.
Ian (Member Number: 486065)
You can only try
Some people are luckier than others but unless you give it a go you'll never know!
Meg (Member Number: 489901)
Consistency is the key!
Login every day and chip away at the competitions, but only the ones that you really want to win. Share the prizes around.
Linda (Member Number: 486738)
Enter! Enter!! Enter!!!
Keep entering! Have fun! Go premium! The excitement at entering multiple competitions for cars and cash never seems to get any less! Goodluck and ENTER!!!
Kerryn (Member Number: 395141)
Keep track of your entries
Keep a tracking log of all comps you enter as some disqualify you if you enter more than once!
Tamar (Member Number: 143735)
Dedicate an time every day to enrolling in comps and be consistant - set your alarm at a time you know you'll be free and how long you want to spend so you don't overdo it! Go hard and enjoy the small little wins :)
James (Member Number: 495797)
You’ve gotta be in it to win it!
A couple of minutes out of your day and who knows what you could win.
Jessica (Member Number: 495579)
Do a bit of research on the company or the product you are trying to win. Try to incorporate something relevant in your answer
Cherie (Member Number: 119271)
Go Premium
The more you enter the more of a chance you have of winning, join Premium for access to more competitions and get entering!
Melissa (Member Number: 127987)
Become a comping enthusiast !!
I've been comping for over a year now and win an average of 2-3 prizes each month and it still gives me a thrill whenever I win, no matter how big or small so my advice is :
- Sign up to be a premium member as you will find a lot more competitions than a normal member
- Enter the 25 word or less competitions as you have more chance of winning and don't forget to use a word counter to make sure you don't go over. Also adding the brand name helps a little.
- Always write your details manually instead of having your computer save your details as this will count as a 'computer generated entry' and you won't qualify .... alot of their t&c's state this.
- Keep track of all your competition entry's and when and where they will get announced ...some entry's get announced on facebook or instagram and most times they will not 'tag' you but state that the winner notify them.
- Always keep your receipts in a 'comp folder' if you enter a competition that requires a purchase. If you end up winning and can't produce the receipt you will be disqualified. Also keep the receipts longer than the draw date as there might be a second draw months later if the winner did not claim.
- Enter every day as competitions guide adds new ones every day but some competitions don't last long so be quick ... I do it in the morning while drinking my coffee that way it's now a routine.
- Enter everything !! even if you don't need it, chances are your friend or family member would love it.
- Always enter a competition that has multiple prizes such as cinema tickets as you have more chances of winning. Cinema tickets are the easiest things to win ....i've won 6 allready !!
- Listen to your local radio station and ring up whenever they have a competition ....i recently won $ 200 by doing this.
- Some competitions allow you to enter once every day so save it in your 'favourites' folder and make sure you enter your details manually each day.
- Invest time doing surveys as most people don't do them ....(but only if its advertised on competitions guide) as other places will collect your details and ring you for marketing purposes.
- Always read the terms and conditions ... yes it takes time but most people don't and there might be important things such as travel dates, entry limits, and proof of purchases which will be vital in winning or correctly accepting a prize
- Enter competitions from smaller retailers such as IGA as there will be less people to compete with which means you have more of a chance of winning
- Always enter a photo competition as many people don't enter these ones....and don't forget to be creative ...won't hurt advertising their brand in the photo too !!
- If you have some extra time and love to do puzzles , magazines such as 'thats life' and 'take5' have amazing prizes and are quite easy to do so investing in a subscription ontop of being a competitions guide premium member doubles your winning chances !
So that is a few tips of mine that I have learnt over time ....sorry that its long but if it helps someone new in the comping game then it was worth sharing my knowledge : )

Lora (Member Number: 446404)
Keep Trying
Keep entering all the competitions its a good feeling when you win something good luck all
Gary (Member Number: 483954)
Be In It To Win It
That old saying never grows old! Have a positive mindset and have fun doing it.
Leah (Member Number: 489355)
A small so is a good win
Don't neglect the smaller prize competitions, I think any win is a good win!
Wendy (Member Number: 486108)
Give it a go
They say you have to be in it to win it. I simply enter the comps I want and hope I'm a winner.
Debbie (Member Number: 386850)
Being consistent in entering comps will see you winning more. I enter comps every single day but I don’t enter them all! Just the ones I really want to win
Chelsea (Member Number: 434961)
Patience is the Key
You've just gotta keep entering and playing the waiting game.... it WILL eventually pay off x.
Ebony (Member Number: 38336)
Leave stuff for others
I only enter what I want or can use as it seems greedy to me to go for everything else when others may love it or use it. I know some sell what they don't want but again that takes away the pleasure of winning a prize that you really want or need.
Margie (Member Number: 278264)
I only joined a few days ago so I’m hoping & waiting but after reading everyone’s good luck stories I’m very excited in anticipation
David (Member Number: 495659)
Upgrade to Premium
For premium exclusive comps and a higher chance of winning something BIG!
Elizabeth (Member Number: 206730)
Take your time with 25 words or less competitions
I have had success with 25 word or less competitions. I always take a bit of time to think about a creative answer that will stand out, rather than just writing something on the spot. I also use a word counter to make sure my answers are definitely within the word limit.
Amanda (Member Number: 458565)
Read the T&Cs
Some "holidays" are accommodation only or flights only or only available on specific dates, so always read the T&Cs before you enter.
Carolyn (Member Number: 452039)
Have Fun
I think everyone should enter competitions and enjoy the process. Just have fun doing it and if you win something thats a bonus
Jody (Member Number: 493636)
Enter Only What I Want to Win
I used to enter everything so had a few prizes that I didn't actually use. I now only enter those comps I really want to win. That way when I win something I am super excited for it!
Anita (Member Number: 158344)
Give it a go!
Im just starting out so haven't been lucky enough to win a prize as yet. But I have to be in it to win it so i am trying to enter as many competitions that interest me and there are a lot which is great!
Hayley (Member Number: 494732)
Make comping part of your day
For over 20 years I have been entering competitions it's my hobby and keeps me motivated. It's really my whole world. I get up and ride my scooter to town to buy products and it's fun entering by a website makes life so much easier and enjoyable. Thank you competitionsguide
Amanda (Member Number: 224025)
Be Honest
25 words and less are my favourite but be honest and i win a few things. Maybe they feel sorry for me lol.
Jody (Member Number: 179955)
Never give up. Persistence always wins.
Mandy (Member Number: 3297)
Never know your chances
Dont let the gremlin in your mind tell you that you wont win. Go for it and enter the comps you'd like to win. You may regret it if you dont. Theres ways a chance and many competitions each day.
Sophia (Member Number: 478973)
You miss every shot you don’t take.
So take as many shots as you can. You’re bound to get a hit.
Nick (Member Number: 456086)
25 WOL
Enter the 25 words or less and give genuine heartfelt answers. Or crack a joke if you see the opportunity.
Bonnie (Member Number: 417648)
Enter the harder ones
Comps that require to do more than enter your name, less people can be bothered doing them so there are more chances to win.
Samantha (Member Number: 480653)
I've really only just started so can't brag about lots of wins but my tip is to have fun and enter everything of interest. Don't go for prizes of no value to you even if they have a big ticket value.
Jayne (Member Number: 494797)
Be creative! Promoters like you to think outside the box rather than see the same thing over and over again
Christina (Member Number: 63099)
Keep Trying!
I have only just joined and cannot believe the amount of competitions there are to enter. Looking forward to having my first win!
Linda (Member Number: 493343)
Worth a try
You gotta be in it to win it! Make sure to read the fine print though - many prizes have restrictions like block out dates for travel. Above all, have fun!
Kristen (Member Number: 466282)
Help who you can
I like entering the bigger competitions but I enter more of the smaller ones. I find it is a way of boosting their business and helping them make a go of things. Everyone gets rewarded all around because of this
Marie (Member Number: 155559)
The More You Enter The Better The Chances Of Winning
I enter as many competitions per week as possible and find the more you enter the better the odds of winning, it’s addictive but fun.
Kim (Member Number: 5150)
Read carefully
Read the instructions to enter carefully as there are often more then one thing you have to do to enter. Check terms and conditions, a bit tedious, but you may not be eligible to enter or the competition may already be finished even though the entry form is still there.
Tracy (Member Number: 446303)
Never give up
Keep entering even if your not winning. The prizes will come and when they do it’s usually all at once.
Lenny (Member Number: 124313)
Time entering= Time enjoying winnings
It might take a hour to enter comps each day but it pays off. And premium is worth it!
Melissa (Member Number: 492548)
My tip
Don't overthink your answers and don't be scared to try new things.
Sarah (Member Number: 217549)
Use competitions guide
Use competitions guide as they take you to real competitions not those crazy survey ones that don’t seem to get anywhere!
Jodie sutcliffe (Member Number: 488966)
Keep A Record
Use an exercise book to record each entry. Rule columns for comp including date of entry, name of comp, final date for entries and value of prize. Helps me keep motivated and I can see how many comps I have entered and when.
Ken (Member Number: 486671)
Share Your Prizes
Give and it comes back to you.I have always shared my prizes with family and friends,it builds the love and gives great satisfaction.
Lesley (Member Number: 117)
Enter as many as you can
The 25 words or less are the easiest to win. First have fun with but make sure you answer the question they are asking. Entering the shop to win has been successful for me a lot too. Keeping track of the comps entered on this site has been a blessing and i have been able to find comps i didn't know about.
Bobbie (Member Number: 493783)
KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid!
Keep answers short and on point
Angela (Member Number: 13761)
Its a win-win situation
You should enter competiotns for prizes that of use to you. Try not to overcomplicate your answers but doesnt hurt to think outside the box. Most of all you should have fun because you started off with nothing and you will only gain if you play the game right
Gary (Member Number: 440636)
Be yourself. It is easier to answer things if you just think honestly about it for a bit.
Rachel (Member Number: 456683)
25 WOL
Get good at 25 WOL - keep entering and every time you do one you get better at them, try and include the name of the company or product for extra points
Kristy (Member Number: 448401)
Keep Hope
You may not win everything or regularly, but you have to be in it to win it. So have faith that you can and will win, at some point :)
Tyra (Member Number: 492881)
Try anything
The more you enter the better the chances. Any prize will make a great gift for someone
Peter (Member Number: 150200)
Keep your eyes open
You never know where you'll come across a competition, and if you enter before it's well known and advertised, I think the odds are better!
Lauren (Member Number: 164696)
Money Well Spent
Go premium people and enter as much as you can. It is a very small price to pay for the amount of possibilities!!
Joseph (Member Number: 493996)
One Day
You just might win but only if you enter
Debbie (Member Number: 469954)
Speling miztakes r bad.
When entering competitions where you need to type words like for 25 words or less competitions, make sure your grammar and spelling are spot on.
Jonathan (Member Number: 398692)
Mind the Ts & Cs
Always read the Ts and Cs to be sure of the entry criteria as you don't want to put in effort and/or spend money to find it not valid. Some comps only allow 1 entry and always say yes to receive the receipt when shopping.
Mel (Member Number: 410169)
Read the fine print
I ALWAYS skim through the terms and conditions of every competition. Sometimes what appears to be the perfect competition/prize for me has turned out not to be the case after reading the T&C's. By skimming through the T&C's I avoid wasting time on a competition that I would either be ineligible for or if it's a holiday and there are fixed travel dates and they don't work for me etc.
Rachael (Member Number: 467073)
I'm new to Competition's guide and went premium pretty quickly. I try and enter everything. It's very exciting to think I may win!
Sarah (Member Number: 450674)
Enter all competitions great and samll
I enter everything that I see knowing that by the law of averages I do eventually win things.
Mark (Member Number: 278852)
Hot competition tip
Enter competitions twice and enter different competitions, regular names usually get picked.
Debbie (Member Number: 458676)
Enter alot
Check all the time for new compition more you enter more chance of winning
Irene (Member Number: 208704)
There are no failures, only a delay in results
Look for exciting things to happen, because they will!
Eden (Member Number: 460474)
Enter the purchase required comps
These ones take the most effort and will likely have much fewer entries than the free ones!
Erin (Member Number: 5696)
Go premium
Going premium gives you access to great competitions and gives you better odds off winning to start off with
Rachel (Member Number: 493381)
Only enter what you can use
Don't waste your time entering comps when you really don't need the prize, such as car wash freebies. Think about how happy someone will be winning a prize that they really needed.I'm new to this comping and I'm finding it fun, I'm happy to wait for my turn to win..
Margaret giannelis (Member Number: 492376)
Enter all comps
Try to be a little imaginative when they ask for a 25 word or less answer
Anthony (Member Number: 417512)
Enter everything
Just enter everything
Scott (Member Number: 476456)
You've got to be in it to win it!
Give everything a go. I'm still trying for the big one! One day my ship will come in.
Gillian (Member Number: 466798)
Sharing is caring
Never be selfish with codes that you may obtain in a newspaper for example. By sharing them with friends this often increases your chances by one extra hit as well your friends will often return the favor.
Michael (Member Number: 492704)
Have fun!!!
I enjoy feeling the excitement when I enter competitions that I have an interest in. It’s awesome imagining what could be possible.
Leeanne (Member Number: 457400)
Know your prize
Make sure you know exactly what the prize includes ans read the fine print as you may think you have won a prize that includes more than you are actually going to win
Moira (Member Number: 275690)
Give it a shot
Enter as many as you can. I haven't had a win yet but enjoy the possibility. Went premium, costs so little and gives you so many more competitions to enter. I believe you should do the 25 or less word competitions. Can only increase your odds, right?

Scott (Member Number: 492991)
Having A Go
As they say you've got to be in it to win it. The more competitions you enter, the greater chance you have of winning, but be sure to use your time wisely - only enter competitions you're truly interested in otherwise you'll become fatigued wasting your time on comps that are not of interest
Haylie (Member Number: 487029)

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