What prize would you LEAST like to win?

Last month I posed the question "What prize would you like most to win?" There were lots of responses and, as you may have guessed, cash, cars, holidays and giftcards were high on the wish list of most members.
A couple of things got me thinking this month about those not so sought after prizes.
Firstly, did you notice Aleksandr Orlov from Compare the Meerkat's pointy little face pop up in our competitions recently? Yes, that's right folks, four lucky winners will receive a burgundy satin robe, just like Aleksandr wears...Eeek?!? But, dont worry if you're not a major prize winner as 400 lucky runners-up will receive an Aleksandr poster, valued at a whopping $2.40 each!
I personally think the creation of Aleksandr Orlov and Compare the Meerkat is a stroke of marketing genius. I love the ads, they're good fun, Aleksandr sticks in your brain and starts to take on a real-life persona!
We also received an interesting Winner's email last month. Cameron was a runner-up and received a smartphone in a competition that had a limited edition Star Trek themed pool table as the major prize. Mmm...dont know what you folks think about winning that prize but he was more than happy to be a runner-up on this occasion. Cameron said...
"I am just emailing you to inform you that I was a runner up winner in a competition that would make you cringe. It was a competition run by TV Winners which I entered through Competitions Guide and the major prize was a light-up limited edition star trek pool table, I won a Huawei smart phone. After reading your book, I now think I only won because so few people would have entered a competition for such a stupid prize."
So, what prize(s) would you LEAST like to win? I'm sure you all have seen some lame prizes in your time! Good luck!
Yours Comp-letely,
Competitions Guide
Holidays with blackout dates
I am always checking the terms and conditions and hate holidays with blackout dates in the school,holidays. As teachers we can’t go on holidays outside of these times and it is always so expensive to travel during school holidays...hence I understand why they black them out...I like the travel vouchers comps at least I could put the voucher towards a holiday when I want it.
Sharon (Member Number: 493937)What I dont' want
What I don't want is a Dinner set
Margaret giannelis (Member Number: 492376)Anything to do with golf
Weather its clubs, clothing or a weekend pass to a club, I'd rather watch paint dry on the wall
Michelle (Member Number: 446172)Singing's not for me!
A prize for an audition with a band as their singer would be my worst nightmare - I wasn't even allowed to be in the choir at Primary School because my singing was so bad!
Deb (Member Number: 894)What prize would you LEAST like to win
Any more children's DVD's. C'mon comp organisers, start being just a little more creative with your smaller prize give away's for kids, at least make it something for active play, lol.
Tina (Member Number: 60410)Prize I don't want to win
Perfume! Hate it, gives me headaches and can't give to someone as a gift because if they wear it I might still get to smell it and get a headache.
Sandy (Member Number: 3075)Empty Promise
I won a prize from TicTacs last year for a month's supply. I received a little sealed bag with 4 tictacs-maybe 1 a week as they never responded to my email after
Mick (Member Number: 55377)Something small
I would probably least like to win something small, but winning anything is always good!
Natasha (Member Number: 220014)What prize would you LEAST like to win
A car. I was never interested in learning to drive..too many idiots on the road, If I ever win one they can draw it again..
Sharon (Member Number: 18309)Anything delivered from Fedex
the guy who came to my door told me that i should complain, was waiting for my Gopro for over 5 weeks pre ordered realize, which the guy said it was sitting in the mailing room for weeks when the status said (sent) :,(
still the best anniversary present iv got
Grant (Member Number: 209310)Least like to win
An evening out with any politician!
Patricia (Member Number: 144808)CRAZY RANDOM NICHE STUFF..
Like a Fishing DVD! No thank you!
Brielle (Member Number: 202293)Least like to win??
Actually at this point I'd be happy with ANYTHING...and then I saw a competition where the prize was a Lava Lamp.
Anyhow, I entered.
And didn't win.
Not sure whether to be pleased or happy!!
Diane (Member Number: 131208)My worst nightmare!!
The prize I'd least like to win would have to be an Iron!! I detest ironing and put it off as much as possible, due to having a cheap and nasty one, but if I won a new iron I wouldn't have that excuse anymore, lol!! ;)
Fiona (Member Number: 2124)What prize would you least like to win
A bird. I am very scared of birds because I saw Alfred Hitchcock's movie the Birds when I was little and I have also been attacked by a magpie twice!.
Jennifer (Member Number: 204990)Booby prizes
Probably not - I could dress my Meerkat in it except I don't have one! I think competition organisers have to be responsible about the prizes they are ordering from suppliers - is it just going to end up in landfill?: Quality please!
Fi (Member Number: 45472)tripper
A holiday to take in the sites of the Gaza Strip.
Alison (Member Number: 144375)Worlds Worst Husband.
I suppose the title says it all lol. The ugliest just could be worse :)
David (Member Number: 64588)Free electricity not free!
"Free electricity for a year". Am on a contract and the cancellation cost is more than the value of the prize. But, after entering about 1,000 competitions with no luck, I'd probably welcome anything!!
Judy (Member Number: 162731)least like to win
I am actually hoping to win the aleksandr orlov robe or poster! I dont think there would be too many entries.There are so many great competitions here,I would like to win any of them (except tickets to a scary movie!)
Carolyn (Member Number: 186580)Least like to win
Fresh meat - I'm vegetarian! :)
Amanda (Member Number: 124132)Booby Prize!
I would least like to win the booby prize. I have had this happen a number of times. I have never won anything worth telling anyone about.
Sonya (Member Number: 204968)holiday
definitely wouldn't want to win a trip to bali or anywhere outside of Australia this is the safest country to live and I wouldn't leave it
Sharon (Member Number: 12159)Not For Me
A home renovation
Is not For me
A renter I will always be
Lorraine (Member Number: 81107)A Holiday Overseas - Oops, But No Airline Tickets....
I heard about a prize of an overseas holiday with no airline tickets and it taught to read T & C's carefully - imagine the excitement of thinking you'd won a European holiday, only to realise it would cost thousands to get there! Time to start practising my swimming.....
Kathy (Member Number: 5136)LEAST LIKE TO WIN
there is nothing out there i wouldn't like to win. Everything would come in handy, if i couldnt use it i'm sure someone in my family could
Paula (Member Number: 178215)Cooking Class with a Celebrity Chef
I'm not a great cook, and I'd be so nervous trying to chop food quickly that I'd be all fingers and thumbs... and then I wouldn't!!
Lauren (Member Number: 79472)Prizes I don't want
1. $xxxx paid off your mortgage. I don't have a mortgage.
2. Accommodation/experiences interstate or overseas that DON'T INCLUDE travel to the location
Janelle (Member Number: 5084)nothing!
Scott (Member Number: 190184)boo boo prize
Some times turn out good as well. Gym membership. Cash, vip tickets those comps are hard to win thats for sure.
Sharon (Member Number: 64557)CD's
Does anyone even own a cd player anymore? Cd goes onto iPod - why not skip the CD and just download?
Sarah (Member Number: 135542)Least like to win
A trip to visit the in-laws in Canada¸.•´¯`•.¸><((((º>
Karen (Member Number: 203936)the least prize i'd like to win
is nothing i would be greatfull for any prize, no matter what it is im sure it could be passed on or put to go use no matter what
Jacqui (Member Number: 173942)Miley Cyrus CDs and DVDs
I already get enough headaches.
Nathan (Member Number: 171509)Least Like to Win..
Pet products...I don't have a dog, a cat, a fish or mouse but I am constantly stumbling across competitions for pet products...waste of time for me!!
Ebony (Member Number: 202879)least like to win
Sandra (Member Number: 203830)ONE DIRECTION
I would really, really not like to win tickets to One Direction - this probably makes me an orphan.
Moya (Member Number: 58575)Chocolates or any milk products
I would hate to win chocolates or anything containing milk of any sort, I'm lactose intolerated
Ana (Member Number: 164940)Least likeable prize.
100 fridge magnets. Can anyone fit that many on their fridge, or indeed need 100 magnets for holding things on?
Maggie (Member Number: 135031)A romantic evening with Hugh Jackman
While I agree he is gorgeous, talented and a very nice man he does not compare to my husband and I'm sure I don't compare to his wife so it would be a waste of time for both of us.
Cherie (Member Number: 53115)movie tickets
i would rather be enjoying the real world
Wendy (Member Number: 128866)What prize would you least like to win
I would hate to win nothing - the rush and delight when you win something is undescribable - please let me win!!!!!!!
Nada (Member Number: 46036)Gym Membership - No Thank You!
I would not like to win a gym membership! As a prize, it would feel like I was losing rather than winning as it's not a very joyful prize and I would never actually use it. You also usually have to use it specific gyms which can be difficult.
Crystal (Member Number: 172137)Cooking? Not!
I'd least like to win cooking classes. I hate cooking and would rather eat everything raw than have to slave over a hot stove.
Merryl (Member Number: 56367)A holiday to Bali
Yes, I know as Aussies we're all supposed to want to go there, but really, there are so many more enticing places to go where they won't try to poison you, blow you up, imprison you or give you rabies on the beach. Send me to any other holiday destination in the world but Bali!
Elizabeth (Member Number: 189013)Biggest loser bootcamp holiday
I think this would be horrible
Danu (Member Number: 24517)prize I would least like to win
I am thankful for anything that I win, I find that if I can't use it myself family and friends are always happy with a gift. But any prize that required me to add cash, would be a struggle for certain....so I guess my vote goes for holidays!
Barbara (Member Number: 312)No spending money
To win a holiday with flights & accomodation and couldn't get time off or had no spending money
Liane (Member Number: 197589)Least liked prize
Car rear view mirror 80's dice. Who wants them at all!!!
Paul (Member Number: 163148)Least likely prize now
I would hate to win a Funeral Gift Voucher. I am not ready to make my maker yet. Give me a 50 more years then maybe I will take the voucher.
Kerry (Member Number: 170128)Skittled
Although not ridiculous, I recently won a Skittles USB drive. Given how cheap they are today, I’ve essentially won a piece of very inexpensive and tacky plastic...with advertising.
Benjamin (Member Number: 173091)A runner-up prize of
A matching toilet brush and toilet roll holder !
Jacqueline (Member Number: 157111)No thanks
A male centric 'who done it' with pathetic female characters who succumb to the brooding misogynist leads.
Mishell (Member Number: 174235)What prize would I LEAST like to win
A bag of Brussel sprouts...even the chooks don't eat them!
Amanda (Member Number: 178412)what prize would I least like to win
my least likely prize to win would have to be one where the terms and conditions want you to sell your soul by agreeing to let them use your details indefinitely anywhere and anyway they choose
Shirley anne (Member Number: 34036)I choose 'none of the above'!!!
Accidentally winning a 'day with a politician of your choice' would be the ultimate nightmare prize...and this isn't out of the realms of possibility right now alas.
James (Member Number: 134590)Overseas holiday disappointment
While I'd love to have an O/S holiday winning one that I could not go on (timing/passport issues) would be crushingly disappointing.
Wendy (Member Number: 22194)Meet & Greet a Celebrity
The rest of the prize is what I would be after, not the "priceless" meet & greet part!
Helen (Member Number: 204174)PRIZES GALORE
To win anything from on line competition would be great. Just to say "I've Won" from Competitions Guide.com.au.
Nancy (Member Number: 18686)Anything health and fitness related
I'm the world's biggest sloth!
Lisa (Member Number: 94560)Yay I won, WHAT!!!
I'm not one to enter every competition I see,
only the ones the would suit me.
However, anything won is exciting when you receive it for free.
If I don't like it, I'll pass it on to my friends and family...
Nyah (Member Number: 157470)Overseas Vacation
Aseat on an Oseana aircraft
Ronald (Member Number: 66180)Least like to win
the only thing i dont really want to win are movie tickets because going to the movies is not that important to me and i have plenty of movies already at home.
Hayley (Member Number: 126203)No baby stuff
No children or babies at home, so this would on my list of prizes least like to win.
Julie (Member Number: 202397)Don't let friends enter you!!
A friend once tagged me in a Facebook comp and I won!!..... A mini vibrator! Although I've had some fun with it (shocking my friends not using it lol) sex toys are the absolute bottom of my win wish list!
Sarah (Member Number: 46647)A Year's Supply of Chocolate
As much as I love it, I'm on Weight Watchers so I'd have to give it away!!
Jenny (Member Number: 122054)Shattered Dreams
Winning a holiday of a lifetime only to find it doesn't include flights or meals which cost far outside your means. Most of us enter these competitions to win what we can't afford.
Darralyn (Member Number: 127293)definitely dont want to win
Anything to do with Rugby League would be my worst nightmare. I cant stand the game
Jo (Member Number: 204278)Pop tarts tickets
I would be extremely bumbed if I won tickets to any concert with the following pop 'tarts': Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift or One Direction. I'd rather sit in a room with Tony Abbott and that's sayin' something!
(Member Number: 34831)a ABBA cd
I can not stand the band to the point if its on i will get up and walk out as i did so on my birthday when soemone put it on as a joke i did not see the funny side of it down with abba
Paul (Member Number: 204362)Least like to win
A wife swap with any of the Muslim countries. with my luck I would get lumbered in Afghanistan with someone who looked like Saddam Hussein
Patricia (Member Number: 191820)prize least like to win
there is nothing that I say that I would like least to win as I have not won anything and winning something is better than nothing!
Nikki (Member Number: 49526)What prize would you LEAST like to win?
A seafood dinner.
I'm allergic to shellfish. Congratulations, you win death!
Amy (Member Number: 180541)What prize would you LEAST like to win
A ticket to a One Direction concert
Morgan (Member Number: 126738)What prize would you LEAST like to win
a poke in the butt
Sabrina (Member Number: 2763)iPad
I already have 2! So that's enough don't need anymore. I want the Alexander robe. I love him. It's simples!
(Member Number: 7386)Fake nails
I don't have time for fake nails, especially ugly ones with patterns on them!
Karina (Member Number: 1011)Least like
To be 100% honest theres not a single prize id like least, because there will always be someone grateful for it if it doesn't appeal to me.
Brielle (Member Number: 204306)what meercat?
I have no idea what Aleksandr Orlov and Compare the Meerkat is about?? but his robe looks cool if they have one in my size
Andrew (Member Number: 146053)Kitty Litter
Kitty litter as I don't have a cat/rabbit/guinea pig or know anyone else that does (I do love these animals though)
Helene (Member Number: 151348)Bad "music"
Tickets to see Justin Bieber. I can't stand him or his "music" and having to sit and put up with screaming girls and hearing him would be like torture.
Rebecca (Member Number: 145792)Email upon email upon email
While I look forward to Competitions Guide's daily email and many other's I have discovered through entering contests, I don't enjoy when I "win" emails upon emails upon emails from companies not directly associated with what I entered.
Jodie (Member Number: 181832)A Prize I would least like to win would be:
I would least like to win a life time supply of jellied eels or Sardines. Although some would feel this would be a great prize, I would feel queasy just looking at them.
Jodi (Member Number: 204295)Funeral Insurance
A funeral insurance company has already rejected me; apparently I'm a bad risk. What? Does this mean I'm not going to die?Anyway, if I'm dead, how do I collect the insurance? A bad idea all around.
Kerry (Member Number: 34770)No animal prizes.
We don't have a dog or cat so no pet gear or food.
Leanne (Member Number: 2798)Don't want to be a picnic hamper for lions
A hot air balloon ride over lions in Africa. The thought of my life relying on a mere wicker basket and strings dangling above lions and the hard ground. No thanks.
Rosilda (Member Number: 165295)Vegan says no.
I won a meat hamper once, so I can't say I'd like to win another. It's suprisingly hard to give away 20 kgs of meat.
Kaitlen (Member Number: 190560)Prize I would least like to win
Nothing because any prize would be great.
Nicole (Member Number: 203840)Boring - Yawn
I would least like to win a boxed set of Star Wars movies. Sci Fi movies put me to sleep.
Steve (Member Number: 203683)Bike and Lycra
Me in Lycra on a bike,
A prize I would least like,
The laughing stock of the neighbourhood,
The look, no, no good!
Justine (Member Number: 191932)A years supply of WHAT????
I don't think winning a years supply of a certain food item would be very exciting. It may be a good idea for the fist couple of months but, as they say, to much of a good thing......your taste buds won't welcome for long
Candice (Member Number: 170956)Least Like to Win
Any thing that means my feet leaving the ground, Water rapids, Climbing a bridge, hot air balloon and the absolute worst Bungi Jumping!
Alison (Member Number: 164769)A book about cars?
One of the prizes currently hosted on Competitions Guide is for a book about Range Rovers. I'd much rather have the Range Rover.
Wendy (Member Number: 185029)I would least like to win. .
An iron and/or an ironing board. I despise ironing, if I won one, what would my excuse for the crinkled shirts be then?
Sinead (Member Number: 178379)Golf could it be any worse
To win a trip to a golf tournament would be a treat, they hit that little ball around, what a feat!!! To walk around for hours on end, it would truly drive me round the bend...So golf would be the ultimate prize, give to me and make me cry...
Jill (Member Number: 198814)What I would Least like to win is free electricity
I am locked into my elecricity agreement so I don't think that would suit me. But
just something little to say hey look.
Diane (Member Number: 183314)Bitter Sweet Prizes
Looks can be deceiving, Bali's Luxury Spa Holiday sounds enticing but it's really not so because flights aren't included, it's an expense we don't need. I'd also hate to win panty hose and body slimming underwear. There is no appeal there.
Patricia (Member Number: 12840)Hate
I would hate to win a $100 voucher and lose it.
Diane (Member Number: 189314)most off-putting competition requirement
Whenever I'm asked my age or year of birth, I know, at 70, I won't be considered. Can't cheat, in case I win and have to forfeit the prize if they find out the truth! Sure, tick the box for over 18 , but what else is so necessary?
Gillian (Member Number: 68772)Romantic air ballon trip
I would hate to win a romantic ballon trip as I would be very lonely as my partner will not join me because of heights
Carmen (Member Number: 189661)Tickets to Watch Golfing tournament
It's like watching paint dry! Hubby watches golf regularly on TV! A little ball being hit to a little hole! A golfing tournament tickets - YAWN! Hmmm there again, hubby would be happy and it would give me free time to do what i love SHOP!
Celena (Member Number: 203696)A cleaner
I recently bought a ticket to raise funds for Cancer research and the prize was 10 cleaners for 2 hours. I'd have to re-gift that prize to someone who really needed it; you couldn't fit 10 people in my unit.
Michelle (Member Number: 165571)No cook books please
I am not a lover of winning cook books.
Matt (Member Number: 1412)Least like to win
An awesome paid for dinner in a fancy restaurant halfway across the world, but does not include the flights to GET there. That would really be disappointing...
(Member Number: 1601)least like to win
I hardly ever win anything so I would be happy with anything expect one thing diving with sharks. I am terrified, but I could give it to someone as a gift so I suppose I wouldn't mind.
Julie (Member Number: 3265)There's a competition for everyone!
I don't enter competitions I know I won't enjoy or have no relevance to me, I leave them for people that would benefit from them. You have no control over runners up prizes for a major prize you enter so maybe CD's? I don't even own a player anymore!
Kirsty (Member Number: 3676)Least like to win
Dvds,I spend to much time on the lounge anyway,I dont need to get any lazier
Joanne (Member Number: 143605)i'd least like to win
i''d least like to win a hamper of peanut butter as i cant stand the smell let alone the taste of peanut butter
Rebecca (Member Number: 12216)I'd least like to win....
Anything you can find in a dollar shop! Pens, souvenirs, plastic cutlery!!
OR worse, weight lose supplements.. if you wanted to lose it you'd buy it!!
Sarah (Member Number: 23610)Alienated demographic seeks to repay the nightmare
They may have spectacular policies, superb customer service and interest rates to entice a denaturalized Mel Gibson to reproclaim his citizen ship. But until the night terrors of the unnaturally creepy Banker 'riding my childs pony' & 'enjoying my holiday' stop... I never ever ever want anything from Rabodirect. Ever.
Malki rose (Member Number: 204038)No time so no point
I would least like to win a holiday. Holidays are everywhere and in my busy life If I won I would have no time to take it. Let alone you normally have to take it within that year. Prizes that I can hold in my hands make me happy.
Guy (Member Number: 188454)Baby Stuff
I don't have a baby, and am not going to have anymore babies.
Rebecca (Member Number: 147961)Sexy Undies
I won some incredibly sexy lingerie but it only came in sizes up to 10 so had to give it to a weeny friend. Damn.
Sharon (Member Number: 50046)Winners are Grinners
I would least like to win nothing, as winning anything would make me feel like a winner. Winners are grinners, and one man's trash is another man's treasure!
Jo (Member Number: 203922)A Trip up the Amazon
I would not be too keen on winning a trip up the Amazon - maybe 50 years ago I might have been game - not now though
Bev (Member Number: 165025)Unusually Unwanted Prize
I would actually least like to win a holiday. I enter them occasionally if there are other prizes up for grabs also, but I don't have time to go overseas, nor do I have the money for a passport and shopping. GImme food, transport or beauty products any day!
Alia (Member Number: 203140)Don't even look same!
Aleksandr Orlov from Compare the Meerkat's is on to something - I would hate to win an imitation prize.
Sonja (Member Number: 41528)Congratulations, you have won a Toothpick!
Sure a toothpick is useful for taking pieces of food out between our teeth; however as a prize I would be really be gutted if someone called me to tell me I have won such an insignificant item. It would be truly crushing someones hope of a good prize.
Kamyar (Member Number: 166997)No thanks....
I'd least like to win a large collection of books/ornaments/dolls/stamps/craft materials. I hate things creating clutter and collecting dust in my house! Which might be why I like to win cleaning products??
Andrea (Member Number: 202979)Taste
Human tongue- taste has created a big market and marketing empire. But I struggle to get the taste of the food in the current busy environment.Enjoy food!!!
Sadu (Member Number: 203875)AFL grand final tickets
I cannot stand to watch AFL (I know, how un-Australian of me). I can't stand watching sports and my worst nightmare would be getting stuck at a game when I'm sure some die hard fan elsewhere would love to have free tickets.
Skye (Member Number: 131525)What prize would you LEAST like to win
i once won a runner up prize of a box of 'adult toys' not my cup of tea
Alison (Member Number: 2302)Cleaning Products
Of all the prizes in the world to win,
Cleaning products would not make me grin,
I'd prefer to win something that's fun,
No cleaning products for this Mum!
Charlotte (Member Number: 684)Undies
Undies is a big no, I am fussy to what encases my you know..
Lamya (Member Number: 23783)Kiddy Crap!
2 pairs of kids glasses, I don't have kids and they won't fit on my massive head
Christine (Member Number: 72938)What prize would you LEAST like to win?
I can say this from experiance:
Winning a glamour portrait shoot sounds fantastic - until you discover no actual photos are included in the prize and need to be purchased separately (and are VERY expensive!). Worst prize ever!
Natalie (Member Number: 166852)Needful things
I don't think I would like to win a prize that I don't need and knowing that someone needs that prize and i am unable to give it to them due to terms and conditions of the competition.
Sarah (Member Number: 159364)Paint
My wife desperately wants me to paint the house and I've been using the excuse that paint costs too much to get out of it!
Helen (Member Number: 135066)One man trash is another mans treasure!
After thinking long and hard,
There isn't a prize that I would'nt like!
toothpaste, ballet, even a truck.
Im sure I can find someone that is out of luck!
Sharing my winnings is better than to chuck!
Natalia (Member Number: 181498)The Prize I would least like to win
Holidays. Due to health problems I do not like to travel too far so I would certainly not like to win any holidays.
Jean (Member Number: 190161)Kids stuff
I don't have children and the last thing I want are children's prizes.
Cleo (Member Number: 158139)Re gift
I don't drink so alcahol would be wasted also i don't have babies or young children so I couldn't use any baby or child products.However as you have to be extremely lucky to be a winner in the first place I would gladly accept any prize and regift it if I couldn't use it
Judy (Member Number: 175611)bad prizes
socks & jocks. Im not 7 anymore mum !
Jamie (Member Number: 64884)Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Useless Lingerie
This is one prize that I do not Ever want to win! What could you do with it? Give it away as a present, take it to the Salvos, sell it in a garage sale, or try selling it on ebay? I don't think so....
Sally (Member Number: 16368)Worst win ever
I would least like to win nothing...second to this would be a slap in the face by a meerkat.
Rachael (Member Number: 192344)all i want for xmas
i used to get threatened with "you'll get a bag of onions if you dont behave" and since then its become one of my favorite sayings, so i'd have to say the prize i'd least like to win would have to be a bag of onions
Simon (Member Number: 193436)Life size Mother-in-Law cardboard cut-out!
Can you visualise winning a custom life-size cardboard cut-out poster of your mother-in-law? Wouldn’t that be just remotely unsettling? Imagine opening your eyes after an intense night of passion with your dearest, only to find her sneering disdainfully at you from across the other side of the boudoir!
Alexander (Member Number: 26421)One shoe in size two
On condition before you do,
That you spend gold on useless tools
Or bend old poetic rules,
Or worst of all, you're forced to act
By dressing like a meerkat.
Stephen (Member Number: 183391)A year's supply of tampons anyone?
I once entered a competition to win a trip to the U.S.A only to come runner up and win a year's supply of tampons! I guess they cant really be blamed for choosing me for that prize as my competition entry was a giant, football sized home-made tampon.
Julia (Member Number: 181915)Theres a few to pick from....
Would have to be computer software..boring
Laura (Member Number: 31785)Least like to win
I'd least like to win anything baby, as my son is 6 and there's no more babies coming into this house hold
Kimberley (Member Number: 203701)What prize would you LEAST like to win
Would only enter for things that appeal to me and mine as why waste time trying for things that you wouldn't like/want? The fun is in entering and then hoping that it's your turn to win!
Judy (Member Number: 197895)Pregnancy items
I love winning prizes and I am really not fussy I love the excitement of a parcel arriving, I share with family and friends if it is not for me but pregnancy items I have no need for. Been there, done that, never going back again, my baby is 25yo!
Yvonne (Member Number: 129248)A PRIZE THAT'S NOT SO FAB
A baby in the house is not to be HAD
A year supply of nappies
is not so RAD
Terri (Member Number: 194208)Least like to win prize
cleaning goods.
Michelle (Member Number: 9204)What prize would you least like to win
a bible. i am not religious at all and would be useless to me
Kodie (Member Number: 168011)Moooo!!
A cow!! My hubby very romantically gave me on for Valentines Day, I saw and smelled it once, put it out to pasture, before I had a chance to name it he sold it and I didn't even get the money. He didn't even wrap it!!
Deborah (Member Number: 1846)least like to win would be
being male i would least like to win anything female related
Phil (Member Number: 11209)Least like to win...hmmm
Not certainly not a lucky person, I'm happy to win anything,! But if I had to choose Cleaning products would be a bummer... I'd have no excuse to clean the house!!!!
Belinda (Member Number: 6401)least like to win, a tone of lollies
at the moment i can not stand lollies... and it would be a shame if i won some :(
Jacinta (Member Number: 185988)unsuitable
I won a pair of men's work trouusers as a runner up prize, I'm grateful for any prize it's still always exciting to be a winner but I am still trying to find a man the right size who can wear them
Jan (Member Number: 7555)What prize would you LEAST like to win hmmm
Well that would be women stuff with me being a male.
Ricki (Member Number: 99227)Toothpaste
I know we need it but Toothpaste!! 4 tubes of it, at least I won't have to by toothpaste for the next few weeks lol.
Renae (Member Number: 65673)Just love to win
I'm not used to winning anything so it would be just lovely to win. There are things I don't like but I'm not fussy, any win would be just wonderful!!!!
Sharon (Member Number: 93192)Stingy prizes
I just won a Mitre 10 voucher...for $10!!! to "help with a renovation project" What on earth can I renovate for $10? THANKS "The Block" I probably couldn't even get a paintbrush with that.Stingy prizes are not cool.
Erin (Member Number: 116356)Id least like to win
An acupuncture session - i'm needle phobic
Years supply of seafood - i'm allergic
A trip on a bible study holiday
A year supply of tofu
I would LOVE Aleksandr Orlov's robe though. I love that ad
Melanie (Member Number: 169796)Spiders
I would hate to win one of those remote control giant hairy tarantula spiders. My son would love to chase me around the house with it and I am so scared of spiders. It would freak me out.
Darlene (Member Number: 200416)I love to get parcels so any prize is good
Except for the chocolate company that sent me 10 lots of cardboard fold down binoculors! they just kept arriving! and they don't work!
Tony (Member Number: 6362)Least wanted prize
A 12 months subscription to a Chess Lovers Mag, sorry not my thing!
Krystie (Member Number: 108538)Trip with no FLIGHTS
I wouldn't like to win a trip for two to some exotic location, WITH AIR FARES NOT INCLUDED, and surprisingly there are quite a few. Airfares are quite often the dearest part of the trip. No thanks.
Janine (Member Number: 179388)Fly, jet lag then fly again
A trip overseas with only 2 or 3 nights accom, no meals, and no spending money, departing from "nearest capital city" which for me is 2000 klms away. I couldn't afford to take it up, and as most prizes are "non-transferable" couldn't even give it away!
Glenda (Member Number: 196488)A Key Ring
I won a dam Flower key ring, its ugly and I don't exactly want something so girly when I'm 23
Shannon (Member Number: 38560)Front row seats
Free tickets to the Synchronised Swimming World Championships - Wow!
Cath (Member Number: 199469)Watch out for the truck!
Imagine coming home to a truck that over shadows your house and is too long to park in your driveway, worst competition call would be to say congratulations you’ve won a giant rig truck.
Lauren (Member Number: 202246)Shampoo and Conditioner
Because thats the most boring thing ever and if you dont like the brand what can you do?
Chani (Member Number: 142268)Least Like to Win
Anything up high as I am afraid of Heights.I would be great full for winning something but absolutely Petrified
Patricia (Member Number: 35909)Celebrity Book
A book that is written by a reality star celebrity. Reality TV is bad enough let alone a book written about it.
Mandy (Member Number: 50956)Least like to win
Anything child orientated. My youngest is now 19 and a pram or cot are not on my horizon.
Dale (Member Number: 4867)Stiletto Heels
I only wear Shoes when I go out and Stilettos would be Terrible as I wouldn't be able to Walk in them and would more than likely Fall Over.
Carmel (Member Number: 78712)Least like to win
A kick up the bottom or a jar full of cotton; but hey even then, I couldn't say I don't win anything!
Alison (Member Number: 52943)Too expensive to use...
A prize so expensive that I'd be scared to use it eg. designer dinner set. What if I break a plate worth $750??? Ahhh!!!
Vicky (Member Number: 6013)Claytons Holidays
The holiday you have when you are not having a holiday prizes that give you the motel and car hire costs but you have to pay your own way to that country that sucks big time you usually enter comps coz you cannot afford to buy the prizes
Susan (Member Number: 97994)No Thanks ...
Incontinence products. I'm sure they are useful - but not for me!
Jennifer (Member Number: 59833)Sudoku
I'd least like to win a Sudoku puzzle book because I want to win something bigger.
Ashlee (Member Number: 166453)A sailing trip
Climb on board. Sail out with the tide.
Suddenly I'm vomiting over the side.
Marlene (Member Number: 176888)What prize would you LEAST like to win?
Men's cologne because I don't know any men that actually wear it.
Wendy (Member Number: 16181)The prize I would least like to win...
A prize that requires you to spend some money to receive the competition that you just won, not the best marketing idea. A big downer
Kylie (Member Number: 203434)Could I survive the angry teenagers?
I'd hate to win a chance to meet Bieber or the One Direction guys because the hostility and anger that the teenage fan girls would hurl at you wouldn't be worth it! Also, they might “sing” for me and I’d have trouble not laughing!
Jessica (Member Number: 96428)My least like to win
No religious prizes or pilgrimages to religious sites because it will never please the majority
Maree (Member Number: 124893)2nd Prize
1st Prize would be 1 Night stay in Canberra.
I would love to win 2nd prize - 2 Nights in Canberra !! LOL
Matthew (Member Number: 203402)Ricky, oh Ricky!
I hope to never win a date with Ricky Martin! I don't think my heart could take it!! Swoon!!
Gina (Member Number: 165226)Make Up/Perfume
As a single guy, I often enter most female oriented competitions anyhow because I normally think of Mum. (Aw!)
So when I realise Mum is more than likely not appreciate the latest pong from Paris Hilton, at least I know I have satisfied my competition frenzy.
Chris (Member Number: 53636)electric toothbrush
I'm not that lazy.
Yvonne (Member Number: 9925)No thanks
Movie tickets, I live 60km from a cinema so it would cost me more in fuel than the ticket is worth. Not to mention all the fine print, not valid on weekends, tuesday etc. Think I'll pass!
Rebecca (Member Number: 93274)No more wetness
Talcum powder would have to be THE worst ever
Renae (Member Number: 64541)not like to win
some one to mow my lawn as I like the exercise and they wouldn't do a good enough job for me, beside what will I do, maybe have to endure a trip to the shops have coffee and get bored
Kevin (Member Number: 130170)What I wouldn't want to win ever.
A Lemon, a car that just has everything that could go wrong, and does.
Carolyn (Member Number: 109601)the prize I'd least like to win
Any song DVD LP or other media put out by Byork
Chris (Member Number: 171708)Petty Prizes
Any pet products are wasted on me as I have no pets at home. I think it's better to only enter competitions that are relevant to my lifestyle and dreams.
Dianne (Member Number: 152098)A rest
A night away from my family and quiet.
Karen (Member Number: 54820)Good lawd
A weekend spent walking on a giant swing bridge!! eeek
Lisa (Member Number: 203244)What would I do with that?
An Aleksander poster.
His robe is quite nice but I don't need a poster of him to remind me.
Madeleine (Member Number: 202271)Discounts masquerading as Prizes
I least like to win a prize to find out that in order to take that prize I have to spend more money because the company that offers the $100 voucher only stocks items at $200 plus or the vouchers have so many stipulations on them that it is impossible to spend it unless you add quite a bit to it. These aren't prizes and should be advertised as discounts as that is all they really are. It is bad form to have a competition for a discount as you never really win anything.
Lesleigh (Member Number: 88523)US $ 3,000
US$3,000 off a holiday...you know the one I mean
If I win it again i'll scream!!
There's barely a day this does not come up on my screen. CONGRATULATIONS your todays lucky winner :) Thanks to Competitions Guide up front and honesty there are lots of so called lucky winners like ME..
Dolores (Member Number: 192494)A broken pair of toenail clippers
As a matter of fact, anything broken or pre-used.
Maybe even something moldy. Definitely not a prize I would want.
Melissa (Member Number: 185927)Holidays to dangerous destinations ...
I was shortlisted to win the major prize in a comp, being a trip for 2 to Colombia and Costa Rica. I was praying that I didn't win - and I didn't, what a massive relief! I have no interest in winning trips to Africa either. However I find that even when you win prizes that you don't want or need, you can always give them away as gifts or sell them, so there's always an upside (anyone interested in buying a Carlton Dry Foosball Table that I won recently???!!!).
Bron (Member Number: 9143)A Meat Hamper
I would least like to win a meat hamper because I don't eat meat.
Amy (Member Number: 104207)Just to win
I would just love to win......anything! Can't think of anything I wouldn't be grateful for. Maybe if I ever do win I can then decide what I least want. Hasn't happened yet though lol!
Sue (Member Number: 172479)What prize would you least like to win?
One Directions Concert Tickets - my thumb is in one direction and that is down, down, my vote is down!
Michelle (Member Number: 178315)useless vouchers
to get $10 voucher on their website and there is a minimum of $100 to spend before your entitled to it,with the cheapest item starting at $150.Worse if you usually don't shop at that store either
Tina (Member Number: 142272)Mens magazine or tools.
I would not want to win a mens magazine subscription as my man doesnt have the patience for magazines. I also wouldnt want to win tools as I am more handy than my man and I have enough tools.
Jennifer (Member Number: 102881)Who ate it?!?!
A half eaten sandwich...
I mean, at least give me a whole one right?!
Stefanie (Member Number: 199025)Leader of the ALP
It's a poisoned chalice! Only people who enjoy being knifed in the back need to apply.
James (Member Number: 167659)What prize would you least like to win
Definitely a singing Rudolph the red nosed reindeer... My kids got one as a Christmas present last year and trust me it is a nightmare...:lol
Snjezana (Member Number: 91037)What I'd least like to win
CD's, these days there are so many other options, why waste space on a shelf where you could put other winnings? :)
Antonietta (Member Number: 68774)Anything
Anything that i win would be great since i never win anything
Efendy (Member Number: 198778)don't let me win
a holiday, boat supplied and oars WHAT! and they want me to blog twitter and autogram have no idea what that means and i think destinations is the Black Sea OH! OH! i fell asleep at keyboard it was a dream no NIGHTMARE anyway DO NOT LET ME WIN THIS
Sharron (Member Number: 15973)I would like
I am yet to win a prize, so I would be grateful even to win anything.
Nola (Member Number: 172486)A cat
I'm allergic to cats
Jessica (Member Number: 92424)No Lame prizes
I dont think it is fair to say lame prize..if you win say thank you a prize is a gift
Rosemary (Member Number: 187162)Least like to win?
The prize I would least like to win is nothing as I believe that any prize I win is a stroke of fortune and can be given to those in need if I can't use it.
Karen (Member Number: 3504)No more clocks
I would least like to win a clock of any kind. I have so many around the house already, even when I'm sleeping all I can hear is tick tock, tick tock, ughhh it does my head in.
Michelle (Member Number: 3078)The Last Think I Need To Win
I'd least like to win a Vegetarian Hamper, made up of all "meaty" items, but no actual meat... eg: fakon (for bacon) - things like that - I DON'T NEED!
Stephanie (Member Number: 162866)Prize I would least like to win
Season tickets to the Opera or Ballet, either would be totally wasted, I doubt I could even give them away to my friends.
Rosemary (Member Number: 202934)A Meet and Greet
With a celebrity you don't really want to
meet...These are the only competitions I don't enter.
Jessica (Member Number: 20817)High Risk Adrenalin Adventure
A trip to downtown Syria/Egypt/Afghanistan/Iraq or even the main tally room on the upcoming election night. I like excitement but that would be all a bit too much!
Linda (Member Number: 169876)No Beer
A prize of beer would be completely "unbeerable" as I can't beer the taste or smell of beer. The 99 bottles of beer can stay on the wall!
Sally (Member Number: 65345)Least like to win
A cruise as I hate boats but everyone tries to convince me differently
Eleanor (Member Number: 99552)Anything
I just love winning anything, it gives me a real buzz and if it doesn't suit, donate it to charity. Someone will appreciate it.
Rod (Member Number: 191316)Hair Piece
I have been known to wear the occasional clip in hair piece (ie pony tail) to elongate my natural mane of hair. But to have to wear an ill fitting rug would be humiliating and embarrasing for anyone, let alone me.
Jenny (Member Number: 166693)A date with Ryan Gosling
A date with Ryan Gosling. I'd be too star-struck and make a complete fool of myself. I will never be able to think about him again without thinking about the incident and it will ruin my happiness forever. Some dreams are better left as dreams.
Ei (Member Number: 191130)Female skin care or other products
Of no use to me would either go in the bin or be re-gifted.
Darko (Member Number: 11380)Sexy bright coloured lingere from China
I love getting something for free as much as anyone, but I have recently discovered that there are actually limits to what I would accept as a gift!!
I ordered a meat grinder through the post and it took forever to be delivered. The company said for me to be patient and that they will include a suprise in the package to make up for the long wait.....I thought maybe they`ll add some cookie cutters or an extra gadget and waited patiently for the package to arrive.....To my horror the package came with added sexy lingere from chima :) - Im nearly 50, close to 6 foot, slightly overweight and in my menopause it wasn`t even a close fit!- not that I was even remotely interested in wearing the ugly skimpy things!! This did end up being the source of some hysterical laughter though!! In the end we through it out as I couldn`t even get myself to post these vulgar (but brand new!) things in the clothes bins for the less fortunate!
Susanna (Member Number: 128877)Pick Me
I've just started doing Competitions and I don't care what the hell it is, just someone pick me to win that would be lovely.
Frances (Member Number: 199186)MY LEAST SOUGHT AFTER PRIZES
Anything to do with excercise or sport. Hate them both. Didn't enter the recent competition for a trip to France even though I would love to go because it included watching the Tour de France. BORING!!!!!!!!
Vivien (Member Number: 122830)least like to win
anything to do with football (afl) i would rather poke a pin in my eye.
Laura (Member Number: 194203)bookings
i dont like the competitions where you have to book accomidation or holiday before you can enter
Hellen (Member Number: 7112)Babies for a baby
Anything baby related because I'm only 23 and the thought of kids at this age terrifies me! I'm a school teacher and already spend all day with children so if I won any baby related products I wouldn't want my partner getting ideas that I was ready for my own kids!
Lauren (Member Number: 189482)what prize would you least like to win.
cleaning products = implies i should clean more :( i want something fun
Kendelle (Member Number: 196104)Prize Id least like to win
Either tickets to Justin Bieber, high heel shoes or wine
Mary (Member Number: 174099)Romance for One?
A single mum
Partner I have none,
A romantic getaway
Would bring me dismay!
However, any win
Would not be tossed in the bin,
I would "suffer" the perks
Put up with the smirks,
Alone ...some romance for one!!
Sue (Member Number: 152320)No head for heights......
I have a life long fear of heights so anything involving a sudden drop, like bungy jumping or a potential sudden drop like a hot air ballooning or absailing - way too scary!
Bronwen (Member Number: 196848)Certain Holiday Destinations
I love a good holiday as much as the next person, however I never, ever enter competitions with certain holiday destinations. Destinations where the laws are completely different to ours. I know the chance is remote of something happening, but these destinations absolutely do not appeal to me.
(Member Number: 347)No Spending Money!
Being given a holiday with only a couple of nights accomodation & no spending money really annoys me.
Adrienne (Member Number: 173089)What prize would you LEAST like to win?
i have only started to enter competitions, so at this stage any win would be welcomed, having said that, i wouldn't like to win body care products, as you would use it and having nothing left to show for your win!
David (Member Number: 202747)Leisurely drudgery?
Any holiday where the prize includes a cooking class. I'm on holiday and I STILL have to skivvy in the kitchen??? Do I have to vaccuum and scrub the bathroom too?
Lin (Member Number: 7431)What Prize would i least like to win
the prize i would least like to win would be 1 direction tickets or just biber tickets , i could think of nothing worse as my kids are not old enough nor do i let them listen to them as yet .!
Lauren (Member Number: 197419)Wine.....for whines sake
Not so sure on winning copious amounts of alcohol.Would it turn me into a drunken competition obsessive? Would my 25words or less,turn into the ramblings of a pickled mess?...why stop at 25...Yes I think alcohol would be my less wanted prize,for my familys sake.
Sandra (Member Number: 99064)Photographic sessions with 'your' money
A portrait is so lovely, with family they're great,
But when you win a voucher for photography, I hate,
You spend more than they're worth!
Robyn (Member Number: 183266)A two night trip overseas
Just saw the one for New York - why would I fly all that way for two nights! What a waste.
Fontaine (Member Number: 172970)least like to win
this I did win and it was a silly prize. It was a book on architecture awards in 2011.worth $100. Lovely book but not to my taste
Cheryl (Member Number: 87716)Something I'd have to go on TV for...
Just... no.
Bilyana (Member Number: 181941)Gym membership
I could think of nothing worse than going to a gym. Blaring music, over enthusiastic trainers, grunting & groaning patrons & the ever present, obnoxious smell of stale sweat. No thanks
Vicki (Member Number: 114093)Grain of salt...
I've learnt to accept prizes with a sense of humour and a grain of salt, eg: the year's supply of hair dye that's five-shades darker than I expected. I'd least like to win a photo shoot - with hair this colour, I look hideous!
Jill (Member Number: 127444)I dont win Anything Anyway
I dont win anything anyway so anything would be good!
Paige (Member Number: 202471)I would least like to win..
A bowling ball with the name "Homer" imprinted on it!
Elizabeth (Member Number: 17949)I'm not greedy!!!
totally not greedy here!!!! I would take anything. I have never won anything in my life!...... actually I lie, I have won a singing contest when I was 8 yrs old, but I think I got the sympathy vote, I sucked big time.
Lauren (Member Number: 202870)Kids!!
Don't need any kid stuff!!!
I got none
Adam (Member Number: 199366)Trip Away
I try not to enter trip competitions as it's difficult getting one to accommodate our entire family - it doesn't help that my step children don't live with us and that our son is 2 - it's hard to find something that we could all go togther to or to find someone that might like to mind our son
Lisa (Member Number: 117265)movie tickets
half the time when you win movie tickets they say they can be used for most cinemas but hardly any in country towns only major cities. So movie tickets are the worst waste of prize
Jessica (Member Number: 6379)Hoyts Tickets
We don't have a Hoyts in Geelong so I couldn't enjoy their tickets.
Kathryn (Member Number: 167732)least like to win - nothing!!
I would least like to win NOTHING - still waiting to win something!!
Luella (Member Number: 185594)NO Thanks
One Direction tickets, could think of nothign worse than being surrounded by thousands of screaming girls. However if the prize came with earphones I would consider entering.
Robert (Member Number: 199522)hi
I would no like to win a holiday as I do not want to go on a plane and would rather chose where I go
(Member Number: 6579)TOILET PAPER.
Richard (Member Number: 8441)Least like to win
The prize I would least like to win is a movie pass. I never really go to the cinemas. Would prefer to snuggle up on couch and watch something in the comfort of my own home.
Cyra (Member Number: 200785)Nothing...
I have had a lot of luck with entering your great comps, so if my luck ran out I guess I would get a little sad.....
Elizabeth (Member Number: 179110)The prize I'd least like to win.
The prize i'd least like to win is a meerkat sized burgundy satin robe with a live meerkat wearing it. I like cooking, but I don't think I have any Russian recipes to cook for such a fussy animal.
Matt (Member Number: 91926)No, thank you!
I won some "soap nuts" (which I will probably never use) from http://www.thenappyspot.com - which also offers comps with Menstrual cups and Breast shells as prizes. No thank you!
Nicola (Member Number: 61049)hats and pens!
would have to be pens and hats, i more than enough pens and hats to sink a battle ship!
Aimee (Member Number: 9158)THE LEAST DESIRED PRIZE!
I've actually seen a competition where the first prize is toilet paper ... yes, TOILET PAPER!
Angela (Member Number: 13761)least like to win bus tickets
Winning a trip on a bus would not be a great holiday idea.
Michelle (Member Number: 15459)Least Like to Win
Clothes that look good on the competition page but when you receive them they look dreadful. Would prefer to win vouchers instead.
Andrea (Member Number: 38561)Right for the bin
The prize I would not like to win
Are the prizes I would throw in the bin
But then so much is personal taste
For me t-shirts with lace
Or clothes with printed logos
would be oh, such a waste.
Annette (Member Number: 202214)Drooling in his soup!
Imagine winning a meal with Les Patterson? Would you enter in the first place?
I can think of nothing worse than sitting with him and watching him dribble in his food!!
Suzanne (Member Number: 91070)Aleksandr and the Burgundy Robe
Funny you should mention Alexandr because he reminds me of an Uncle of mine although I can't quite picture him in the robe. He's a little more trendy, even at 75. And as for the poster, well I'll have my Uncle in the flesh any day.
Lynda (Member Number: 194794)Not wanting to win
I would not want to win a gourmet hamper as I am not into gourmet food.
Mandy (Member Number: 3297)more dollars than sense
The prize i would least like to win is a lump sum of money..eventhough i have just lost my job, i think i would become careless and spend it on stuff that i really dont need. I appreciate the littles wins a lot more :)
Bianca (Member Number: 10089)I want everything!!
This sounds terrible but I love the adrenalin of winning anything. I used to never win anything before joining Competitions Guide. After my first win I have become ADDICTED!!! I would be exited to win a smelly sock, as long as I was the only winner of course. I know it's sad, very sad !!
Andrew (Member Number: 190142)Let Me Outta Here!
I cannot think of anything worse than winning ( or being given) a hot-air balloon ride. Sure, I love flying - but in something with engines and where I'm not in some basket looking over the edge at death! And there's no loo on those things!
Ron (Member Number: 194101)a mystery flight
Im TERRIFIED of flying so never ever enter comps that involve any type of air travel. this gift voucher would be great though
Penny (Member Number: 37315)One man's meat ...
DVDs and CDs, not much use without a player. White water rafting needs fitness and prayer. Celebrity chef classes are great when vego and Kosher. Bikinis and miniskirts would be indecent exposure. An overseas trip for me equals nursing home for mum. All useless for me, exciting for some.
Simone (Member Number: 2251)CHILDRENS CUBBIE HOUSE
I have no children. I have no yard. But still feel that I should buy the tickets every fortnight because it's for a local charity but I am absolutely terrified that I am going to win lol!!!!!
Fran (Member Number: 140202)least like to win
my absolute least like to win item would be football tickets or football paraphanalia-and with my bad luck that's just what I'd win!
Julie (Member Number: 193524)What prize would you LEAST like to win
A fishing trip.
I hate fishing and have a fish allergy.
Marion (Member Number: 2145)Add your comment
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